Thursday, August 20, 2015

Backyard Burning Rules

As I have received a couple of backyard burning complaints on Fox Mountain since March of this year - a friendly reminder that, in rural areas, the following is prohibited from backyard burning:

plastics ;
demolition waste;
domestic waste (household material and food waste not including newspaper and cardboard);
special waste;
biomedical waste;
asphalt and asphalt products;
treated lumber;
railway ties;
paint and paint products;
tar paper; and
fuel and lubricant containers.

However, the following is permitted for backyard burning:

the burning of leaves, foliage, weeds, crops or stubble for domestic or agricultural purposes

fires set or controlled by a person acting under a notice of a designated forest official as that term is defined in the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act, or under an order issued by a local assistant as that term is defined in the Fire Services Act

If you feel or observe the above being violated - I encourage you to contact the BC Conservation Service at or via phone at 1-877-952-7277

Please share this information with others as I believe education is the best way to deal with this problem...

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