Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Provincial grants benefit Cariboo organizations

Courtesy of the BC Government Caucus:

Five sports, arts and culture groups are getting a boost of $93,350 thanks to the province’s community gaming grant program.

Organizations receiving grants:
Williams Lake Blue Fins Swim Club - $26,250
Station House Studio and Gallery Society - $23,000
100 Mile House & District Soccer Association - $21,600
Mount Timothy Ski Society - $14,500
West Coast Blind Curling Association - $8,000

“I encourage people to get involved in local activities like these, which are good for your physical and mental health,” says Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett. “These grants will help these organizations continue to offer sports and arts programs that keep people of all ages fit and happy.” 
These grants are awarded under the Sport and Arts & Culture categories of the Community Gaming Grant Program, which allows non-profit organizations to apply for provincial gaming revenues from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. Gaming Grants are also awarded in the categories of Public Safety, Environment and Human and Social Services.

Organizations interested in applying for Community Gaming Grants can find full application information at https://www.gaming.gov.bc.ca/.

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