Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Quesnel Council Highlights - Aug 24th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Miss Quesnel Royalty
Outgoing 2014 Miss Quesnel Royalty members, Mierie Sabbarwal (Miss Quesnel) and Sierra Cook (Princess) as well as incoming 2015 Miss Quesnel Royalty members, Telise Gauthier (Miss Quesnel), Courtney Moore and Maneesha Johal (Princesses), were recognized and presented with gifts from Council.  The Royalty members thanked Council for their continued support and for the many opportunities this self-development program provides for youth in the City.

Cariboo Regional District – Realignment of Administrative Costs
The Cariboo Regional District passed a resolution at the August 21, 2015 Board meeting to realign the Administrative Services Tax Rates between Municipal and Rural residents.  This will equate to $3.25/$100,000 assessment in savings to City residents, while Electoral Area Residents will see an increase of $5.00/$100,000 assessment.

Second Quarterly Report for 2015
The following are brief highlights from the Corporation’s second quarter report on its 2015 to 2018 Strategic Plan:
·   $7.2 million in funding has been confirmed for Phase II of the West Quesnel Land Stability Project with a 1/3 share provided by the Federal, Provincial and Local government bodies;
·   we have a successful physician attraction and retention initiative underway and Northern Health is moving ahead with plans to open a Primary Care Clinic  at Family Health Centre on Front Street (old Avery Clinic location); 
·   the development of a Community Forest proposal is ongoing with the City’s consultant having completed first-round discussions with community, industry, and first nation stakeholders, as well as developing geographic layouts to ensure community values for wildfire protection and recreational uses are considered;
·   80% of the 2015 Paving Program has been completed.  This program’s budget was doubled for 2015 ($784,000);
·   the report lists many works completed by the three active Council Standing Committees (Executive, Policy and Bylaw Review, and Financial Sustainability and Audit).
Residential Garbage Truck Purchase 
Council approved the $329,083 purchase of a new automated residential garbage truck.  The City is scheduled to receive this piece of equipment in May 2016.

2014/15 Transit Performance Summary
The summary denoted that transit ridership is up 1.7%, transit revenue increased by 5.4% and the City’s paratransit system operates more efficiently than the majority of similar systems in similar sized communities. 

Transit Services - North Cariboo Community Campus
Council passed a resolution directing City staff to bring back a report regarding the feasibility and potential implications of providing free transit service as an interim measure to users of the North Cariboo Community Campus.  A Special Open Meeting of Council has been scheduled for Monday, September 28, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers with the College President, Mr. Henry Reiser, and Board Chair, Mr. Vince Prince, to discuss the College’s pay-parking initiative that commenced August 1, 2015.  

- Bylaw 1769 – Secondary Suite for 545 Jones Street – Received Third Reading
- Bylaw 1770 – Secondary Suite for 791 Beaubien Avenue – Third Reading Defeated
Office Space Lease – MLA Cariboo North
As of September 1, 2015, the MLA Cariboo North’s office space will be located on the fourth floor of City Hall.  Council approved this lease which will generate approximately $28,000 in annual revenue. 

Community Garden – South Quesnel
A request for a community garden by the Quesnel Community Living Association will move forward.  This community garden is to be located at 464 Racing Road with a scheduled start-up for the spring of 2016.

Next Meetings:
Monday, August 31, 2015 at 7 p.m.
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 5:30 p.m.
North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee
Council Clippings provides a summary of some of the business conducted by Council at regular Council meetings. For specific details, visit www.quesnel.ca, click the “Council” link and the “Agendas and Minutes” section.

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