Saturday, August 1, 2015

Steve's Meeting Calendar/Expenses for July 2015

During the month of July 2015 - I attended the following meetings or events:

July 1st - Spoke at Canada Day celebrations in Williams Lake

July 7th - Cariboo RD Finance/Audit Committee Meeting

July 10th - Cariboo RD Board Meetings

July 15th - Williams Lake Central BIA Annual General Meeting

July 20th - Special CC Rural Caucus Meeting

July 30th - Press Conference for $500,000 for Sam Ketcham Pool Renovation Project from Ottawa (Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program)

As for submitted expenses during the month of July:

July 7th - Cariboo RD Finance/Audit Committee Meeting --> $75.00

July 10th - Cariboo RD Board Meetings --> $185.00

July 20th - Special CC Rural Caucus Meeting --> $75.00

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