Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Bike Rack Dedication Program Now Available

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb with reps from the WL Business
Improvement Area Association
The City of Williams Lake is pleased to announce it has expanded its dedication program to include bike racks to encourage cycling as a mode of transportation.
In addition to park benches, trees, planters, or waste receptacles, residents can now choose to dedicate a bike rack or bike hoop. Steel racks range in size from three to nine feet, accommodating between five and 11 bicycles. A steel bike hoop can be attached to lamp or sign posts. 
“We are seeing more and more riders, yet bike parking in the city is limited,” says Mayor Walt Cobb. “Increased bike parking in the downtown core and other locations within the city limits will provide safe and convenient places to lock bikes. This will allow these individuals to walk around, increasing foot traffic and local business.”
The City of Williams Lake is inviting individuals, businesses, service clubs and other organizations to sponsor a bike rack. Once dedicated, Municipal Services at the City of Williams Lake will work with individuals to determine a practical location on City property, install the rack and install a heavy duty decal to commemorate the sponsor. Costs will vary depending on the rack or hoop, and the installation location.
Reasons for sponsoring a bike rack may include honouring the memory of an individual, celebrating the accomplishments of an individual or community organization, or simply improving the community of Williams Lake by providing an important asset.
The program is being launched today with three inaugural bike hoops dedicated by the Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area, to be installed on Oliver Street (near the Open Book and New World CafĂ©/Evening at Ray’s) and on Third Avenue (near the Bean Counter). 
A brochure explaining the bike rack program is available online at Residents are asked to call Angela Cail at 250-398-7665 to take part in the City’s dedication program.

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