Monday, September 14, 2015

CC Rural Caucus - Sept 14th mtg

Present - Chair S. Forseth; Directors J. Sorley, B. Kemp and B. Anderson

Meeting called to order at 3pm

Meeting Agenda approved as amended (Add Discussion Item re: Joint Use Agreement)

Minutes of the July 20th CC Rural Caucus Mtg were reviewed/adopted

Delegation - None


1) Memo of Director Forseth - Joint Grant for Assistance Process with the City of Williams Lake

The Chair reviewed his memo with the Caucus
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the memorandum from Director Forseth be received

2) CRD/City of WL Boundary Expansion Agreement/MOU

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the proposed MOU/Boundary Expansion Agreement be endorsed for signature

3) Caucus Rep to the Communities That Care Key Leader Meetings

Director Sorley reviewed this item with the Caucus
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That Director Joan Sorley be appointed to the Communities That Care Key Leader Meetings for the 2015/2016 school year with Director Steve Forseth appointed as Alternate and finally that mileage be authorized for either Directors Sorley or Forseth to attend the Communities That Care Key Leader Meetings

4) Chimney and Felker Lakes Landholders Association - Appreciation for 2015 Grant for Assistance

Discussion ensued

Resolved - Letter from Chimney/Felker Lakes Landholders Association be received

5) City of Williams Lake - Letter re: Joint Grant for Assistance Process

Discussed during consideration of Item #1

Resolved - Letter from City of Williams Lake dated September 3rd regarding Joint Grant for Assistance Process for 2016 be received

6) Wildwood VFD Signage

The Chair reviewed this item with the Caucus
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That Staff work with Ministry of Transportation Staff to post signage indicating boundaries of the Wildwood Fire Protection District on Fox Mountain and along Mountain House/West Coast Roads

7) Joint Use Agreement Discussion - at the request of the Chair

Discussion ensued
No Resolution made

8) Action Page

Discussion ensued
Resolved - Action Page be received with Item 2 be removed

At 3:47pm - An In-Camera (closed to the public) meeting as per Section 90(1k- negotiations) of the Community Charter was convened

At 4:07pm - the Public meeting was resumed

The meeting adjourned at 4:07pm

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