Wednesday, September 30, 2015

CRD Area 'B' Mtg Tonight!

Tonight at 7pm in the Bouchie Lake Hall -- Cariboo RD Area 'B' Director Jerry Bruce will be holding a meeting with his Area residents to discuss the following:

Flowering Rush on Bouchie Lake
Recreation planning & services
Need for lighting at the highway intersection between the school and recreation facilities
Local governance
Long term agreement Between CRD/City of Quesnel
Question & Answer period
Unfortunately - I won't be able to make it personally as I have a Fraser Basin Council Board meeting in Vancouver tomorrow as I sub in for CRD Director John Massier

If you can't make the meeting at Bouchie Lake tonight - you are encouraged to phone Director Bruce directly at (250) 992 – 7400 or (250) 991 – 0696 or via email at


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