Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Day 2 of the 2015 UBCM Convention

Yesterday was a jam-packed day of different events, starting with Moving Forward with First Nations, then a session on Outdoor Recreation (new registration rules for snowmobiles, ATV, etc) then popped in on the Newly Elected Officials Briefing, followed by Meet and Greets for Young Elected Officials & Electoral Area Directors'

Today will be clinics on Participatory Budgeting, FireSmart Communities, Sustainable Service Delivery, the impact of Road Distractions in the Community, then the forums for Electoral Areas, Small Communities, Large Communities followed by lunch.  Then in the afternoon - Provincial Policy Sessions on the Auditor-General for Local Government, Hosting Sport/Cultural Events - Benefits to the Community, Muni/RD Tax Program Requirements, Open for Business (Workshop/Awards), followed by Municipal Finance/Insurance Meetings and then the UBCM Welcome Reception.

Another long day of events to get to....

Have a good one!


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