Monday, September 7, 2015

Labour Day Message

Courtesy of BC Labour Minister Shirley Bond:

“The September long weekend does not just mark the unofficial end of summer and the beginning of a new school year.

“Celebrating Labour Day provides an important opportunity to reflect on the British Columbians who have built our great province, and to thank the hard-working men and women who continue today to keep our province diverse, strong and growing.

“The work environments we experience today are the result of decades of work by the unions, workers and government. It’s important to remember that we all have a responsibility to work together to ensure our workplaces are fair, productive and safe. While much has been accomplished, there is more to do.

“Work is an important part of many of our lives, providing more than just a living or a way to provide for our families. It also provides a sense of belonging, self-esteem, learning and achievement, and a sense of contributing to your organization, your community, and society in a positive way.

“Labour Day is also the perfect time to look at what lies ahead for British Columbia. We have unprecedented opportunities ahead of us. Our BC Jobs Plan continues to build on the strengths of our province’s most competitive sectors and our Skills for Jobs Blueprint will help ensure British Columbians are positioned to meet the needs of tomorrow’s labour market.

“On behalf of government this Labour Day, I want to express my gratitude for all the great work done by the people of B.C. I encourage you to take a moment this Labour Day weekend to reflect on how fortunate we are to work, live and raise our families in British Columbia.

“Working together, we can build on our proud legacy and ensure British Columbia continues to thrive and prosper.”

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