Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Quesnel Council Highlights - Aug 31st mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Waiving Transit Fees for North Cariboo Community Campus Students
In answer to the pay-parking initiative implemented at the North Cariboo Community Campus on August 1, 2015, Council passed a resolution to waive transit fees for commuting students attending the North Cariboo Community Campus 2015 Fall Semester (September 8 to December 31, 2015).  North Cariboo Community Campus students will be required to show their current semester Student ID Card. 

Proposed Group Day Care – Intervention Services for Autism
Council authorized staff to draft a Zone Amendment Bylaw to permit the use of a Group Day Care at 1341 Pentland Crescent that would allow intervention services for children and youth with an autism diagnosis.  The proposal is to use the premises exclusively for the intervention services with no residential use.

On-line Smoking Survey Results
Over the summer months, the City asked for public feedback around prohibiting outdoor tobacco use for the proposed Smoking Regulation Bylaw 1767 (“Bylaw”) that received first reading on June 22, 2015.  Following is a summary of the survey results (please see the City’s website for further details):
·   449 respondents; 
·   67.3% support prohibiting smoking in public spaces; 32.7% do not;
·   85% agree with focusing on outdoor areas where the City has received complaints about smoking AND where children gather;
·   prohibiting smoking was supported in the following locations:
o 84% = Playgrounds and Playing Fields
o 81% = Quesnel Youth Soccer Fields
o 76% = LeBourdais Park (Includes Water Park)
o 69% = West Fraser Timber Park
o 57% = Spirit Square
o 56% = Fraser River Foot Bridge
o 45% = Other
·   Demographics of Survey:
o 1% = 18 or younger
o 31% = 19-34
o 45% = 35-54
o 21% = 55-74
o 1% = 75 or older
·   449 Respondents From:
o 62% = City of Quesnel
o 36% = Cariboo Regional District
o 1% = Other
·   The Policy and Bylaw Review Committee, has recommended to Council to consider amending the proposed Bylaw by removing the regulation of e-cigarettes until other government bodies have regulated e-cigarettes/vaping (i.e. Health Canada, Provincial Government).  Further, that the proposed Bylaw include the standard enforcement clause.
Council is scheduled to consider the second reading of the proposed Bylaw at the September 28, 2015 Council meeting.  The general public can continue to provide public input by submitting written correspondence to Tanya Turner, Director of Development Services until noon on Wednesday, September 23, 2015; or alternatively, by attending the September 28thCouncil Meeting to consult with Council.

College of New Caledonia – Request for “No Parking” Signs
The College of New Caledonia requested Council to consider the College installing four “No Parking” signs along the undeveloped public roadway abutting the College’s property located on Campus Way.  Council directed staff to bring back a preliminary report to the September 14, 2015 Council meeting outlining options to maximize parking in the area, taking into consideration traffic flow, safety, maintenance and potential costs to the City.  

-    Prostate Cancer Awareness Month – September 2015
-    Quesnel &  District Community Arts Council – Culture Days - September 25 – 27, 2015
-    KidSport Week “So All Kids Can Play” – September 6 – 13, 2015
- Bylaw 1769 – Secondary Suite for 545 Jones Street – Final Adoption

Next Meetings:
Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 5:30 p.m.
North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee

Monday, September 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Regular Meeting/Committee of the Whole Session

Council Clippings provides a summary of business conducted by Council at Regular Council meetings. For specific details, visit, click the “Council” link and the “Agendas and Minutes” section.

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