Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Quesnel Council Highlights - Sept 15th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

West Fraser Centre – Development Review
Council approved the development permit and variances for the proposed arena development project, the West Fraser Centre.  The new 1300 seat West Fraser Centre will be placed on a new site that will consolidate 5 parcels of land and a section of roadway, and will include a new 73-space parking lot. Two previous studies indicate that the proposed 73-space parking lot, combined with surrounding public off-site parking and private parking sites, is sufficient parking for this proposed arena development.  Variances were granted to allow for required building setbacks and a provision for off-street parking spaces.  An Encroachment Agreement will be required to allow the front entrance way of the West Fraser Centre to encroach over the building’s front lot line.  Council approved entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure that includes a provision where major events held on this site should not occur during street peak hours, and should the event occur during street peak hours, the City would require event organizers to arrange for traffic control provisions to restrict certain traffic movement.

City’s Public Works Crews to Relocate Utility Mainlines - West Fraser Centre
Council approved the City’s Public Works crews to relocate the City’s utility mainlines for the new West Fraser Centre, rather than a general contractor, as a means to save money and time on this project.  The building footprint for the West Fraser Centre is over the City’s existing water, sewer and stormwater mainlines.    Public works will move these utilities and prepare the building site at an estimated cost of $294,460 which is within the budget set for this portion of the project and will be recovered from the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks budget.  The majority of this project is scheduled to start October/November 2015 before the ground freezes; with the final installation of the sanitary sewer line expected to be completed in April 2016 once the ground has thawed.

Campus Way Parking - Tabled
Council tabled a motion to develop up to 55 parking spaces on the undeveloped public road right-of-way along Campus Way to the 7:00 p.m. September 28th, 2015 Regular Meeting of Council.  This proposed project has not been included in the 2015 budget and has a cost estimate of $16,000.  Council is scheduled to meet with President Henry Reiser of the College of New Caledonia to discuss the College’s pay-parking initiative, and possible educational opportunities, at the community’s North Cariboo Community Campus.  This meeting is open to the public and is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on September 28, 2015 at City Hall in Council Chambers.

Proposed Group Day Care – Intervention Services for Autism
Council approved First and Second Bylaw readings of Bylaw 1775 that would permit the use of a proposed Group Day Care at 1341 Pentland Crescent.  This zone amendment application is for the use of a Group Day Care that would allow intervention services for children and youth with an autism diagnosis.  The proposal is to use the premises exclusively for the intervention services with no residential use.  The Public Hearing Date has been set for Monday, October 5, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall inside Council Chambers.

Social Sustainability in Quesnel
The Social Sustainability and Public Safety Task Force met with 21 social service agencies/stakeholders in the community.  This meeting identified social services gaps that exist in our community.  Council is scheduled to discuss this matter at the upcoming Strategic Planning sessions slated for October 21 and 22, 2015.

-    Quesnel Big Brothers Big Sisters - Awareness Month – September 2015

-  Bylaw 1771 – Permissive Tax Exemptions (2016 to 2019 - Non-Profit Organizations) – First/Second Reading
-  Bylaw 1772 – Permissive Tax Exemptions (2016 to 2025 – Religious/Schools/Seniors Organizations) – First/Second Reading

Next Meetings:
Monday, September 28, 2015 at 5:00 p.m.
Special Open Meeting – CNC Pay Parking Initiative/Educational Opportunities

Monday, September 28, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting

Council Clippings provides a summary of business conducted by Council at Regular Council meetings. For specific details, visit www.quesnel.ca, click the “Council” link and the “Agendas and Minutes” section.

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