Monday, September 21, 2015

UBCM 2015 Starts today!

Today - the 2015 Union of BC Muncipalities, or UBCM Convention stats today with pre-Convention activities including study sessions covering First Nations, Medicinal Marijuana, Outdoor Trails, Funding Resources for Local Government, a Walking Tour for Healthy Communities and a all day tour of Farms.  For myself - I will be attending the First Nations Study Session in the morning and the study session on Outdoor Trails in the afternoon

In addition - individual local governments will be having meetings with individual Ministers or the Premier throughout the week

This evening - there are various Meet and Greets and a "UBCM 101" event for new attendees (like myself).

Full attendance is expected to be achieved by Tuesday with most of the Cariboo-Chilcotin attendees already here and the remainder expected to arrive today or Tuesday

View the full UBCM Program here


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