Wednesday, October 28, 2015

CC Joint Committee Mtg - Oct 28th

Present from City of WL - Councillors S. Nelson, J. Ryll, C. Smith, L. Walters (via teleconference) and S. Zacharias

Present from CRD - Directors S. Forseth, B. Kemp, J. Sorley and B. Anderson

Meeting chaired by CRD Area 'F' Director J. Sorley

Meeting called to order at 5:04pm
Meeting Agenda approved as amended/Sept 16th CC Joint Committee Meeting Minutes adopted


1) Diana French and William Adams from Museum of the Cariboo Chilcotin appeared before the Committee to discuss Museum Update & Request for Funds

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Resolved - That this matter be deferred to the November Joint Committee meeting and Staff arrange for a tour of the Museum for WL Council/CRD Directors on November 25th at 4pm


1) 2015 Arts & Culture Society Third Quarter Report

Discussion ensued

Resolved - Report received

2) 2015 Performances in the Park Year-End Report

Discussion ensued

Resolved - Report received

3) Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society Service Delivery Agreement and Arts Centre Management & Operations Agreement Renewals

Discussion ensued

Resolved - Recommend to CRD Board that the CCACS Service Delivery Agreement/Arts Centre Management & Operations Agreement both be renewed for an additional term of 5 years

4) CMRC Parking Expansion - Licence Agreement

Report of Director of Community Services, City of WL was discussed

Resolved - That it be recommended to CRD Board/City Council, the proposed license agreement be approved

5) CMRC Parking Lot Expansion - Roundabout

Report of Director of Community Services, City of WL was discussed

Resolved - Report received, tender parking lot project with roundabout option and that the project budget not exceed $1.55 million

Councillor C. Smith declared a conflict of interest on the next item and left the meeting at 6:28pm

6) CMRC Rink Board Signage Revenue

Report of Director of Community Services, City of WL was discussed

Resolved - That it be recommended to CRD Board/City Council:

Joint Committee approve that rink board sign revenue divided among designated non-profit user groups after expenses and WL Speed Skating Club be included in 50/50 split, and further;

Joint Committee permit the engagement of a contractor to sell rink board advertising within the CMRC on a commission basis- amount to be determined through an RFP process.

Councillor C. Smith returned to the meeting at 6:33pm

7) Removal of Diving Board from Sam Ketcham Pool

Report of Director of Community Services, City of WL was discussed

Resolved - Report received

8) CMRC 2009 to 2015 Budget Comparison & Overview

Report of Director of Community Services, City of WL was discussed
Resolved - Report received

9) Central Cariboo Recreation & Leisure Services 2016 Business, Financial & Capital Plans

Report of Manager of Community Services, CRD was discussed

Resolved - That the 2016 Central Cariboo Recreation & Leisure Services Business, Financial & Capital Plans be endorsed

10) Central Cariboo Arts & Culture 2016 Business & Financial Plans

Report of Manager of Community Services, CRD was discussed

Resolved - Central Cariboo Arts & Culture 2016 Business & Financial Plans be endorsed

11) CMRC Facility Management Agreement Amendment to Include Additional Parking Space for the Sam Ketcham Pool Upgrade Project

Report of Manager of Community Services, CRD was discussed

Resolved - That the amendment to the CMRC Facility Management Agreement be approved

12) CC Recreation - Field Maintenance Agreement Renewals with the Sports Leagues Managing the Esler Sports Complex

Report of Manager of Community Services, CRD was discussed

Resolved - Field Maintenance Agreement Renewals with the Sports Leagues Managing the Esler Sports Complex be endorsed

13) Proposed Contribution Agreement with the 150 Mile Greenbelt Heritage and Trails Society to Support Management and Operation of its Public Recreation Property

Report of Manager of Community Services, CRD was discussed

Resolved - That the proposed Contribution Agreement with the 150 Mile Greenbelt Heritage and Trails Society be approved

14) Pool Working Group September 2015

Discussion ensued
Resolved - Report received

15) Proposed 2016 Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Meeting Schedule

Report from CRD Deputy Corporate Officer was discussed
Resolved - 2016 CC Joint Committee Meeting Schedule be endorsed

16) Action Page

Resolved - Action Page received and remove Items 1 and 2

The meeting adjourned at 7:18pm

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