Friday, October 23, 2015

CCRHD Board Highlights - Oct 23rd mtg

Present: Chair J. Massier; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Campsall, Cobb (entered meeting at 9:37am) and Alternate Director Cash (Area I)

Meeting called to order at 9:30am
Meeting Agenda adopted/CCRHD Mtg Minutes of Oct 2nd adopted


1) The Hospital Consent Calendar was received

2) An invitation for the 12th Annual Dr. Bob Ewert Memorial Lecture and Dinner was received

3) The Board waived its' policy and approved a request from the West Chilcotin Healthcare Society for 40% support for the purchase of an AED

4) The Board received a press release from Interior Health on new urology services in 100 Mile House

The Chair gave an update on his recent activities

Meeting recessed at 9:48am
Meeting resumed at 11:05am


1) Debbie Strang, Quesnel Health Service Administrator from Northern Health appeared before the Board to update on health issues in the Quesnel administrative area

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Massier, on behalf of the Board, thanked Ms. Strang for her time/information

The Board adjourned at 11:27am

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