Friday, October 2, 2015

CRD Board Highlights - Oct 2nd mtg

Editor's Note - I attended the CRD Board meeting from 9:45am - 10:50am as I had to work at 11am today and the Agenda was reworked I could speak to my item (Value for Money Audit - FCM, UBCM and NCLGA Memberships) which was deferred so the Board could have more time to speak to it, as well as an item from Area 'B' Director Jerry Bruce regarding Board Governance and other matters and a matter from local NDIT Regional Advisory Committee re: Dual Credit Trade Program - at request of Quesnel Mayor Bob Simpson.  If you have any questions on the Agenda - view here, leave a comment here or email me here

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:


Bert Braybrook from Telus appeared before the Board to provide an update on the progress for wireless and broadband services in the Cariboo region. Mr. Braybrook reported that the Capital investment in the Cariboo in the last 18 months is in excess of $20M. Cariboo Regional District directors also had the opportunity to express concerns specific to service in their electoral areas including pay phone service in remotes areas and cell and internet service throughout the region.

Support for NDIT funding for Dual Credits Trades Training

Mark Theissen, Superintendent, and Tanya Guenther, Board Chair, of School District 27 appeared before the Board to provide background information about dual credits trades training in the district. The CRD Board of Directors agreed to write a letter of support that NDIT cross-regional and mountain-pine beetle funds be allocated to the “Beyond Northern Opportunities: Expanding Dual Credit Trades Training” in School Districts 27 and 28 and requests NDIT Board to fund this initiative.
The program allows high school students to begin accessing trades training.

Community Works Funds for Sam Ketcham Pool Upgrades

The Regional District Board approved that $427,500 in Community Works Funds to be allocated towards energy efficiency upgrades as part of the Sam Ketcham Pool Upgrade Project. It is expected these costs will be spread over 2016 and 2017 as part of the construction process. The funds will be used towards the incremental cost to install LED lighting, include an air handling unit upgrade and increase the building envelope insulation. These upgrades will result in energy savings in future years.

Support for Bridge Lake Ice Caves Project

The Cariboo Regional District endorsed a resolution that up to $10,000 be allocated from the South Cariboo Economic Development function to the Fishing Highway 24 Tourism Association towards the Bridge Lake Ice Caves project, subject to confirmation that other funding for the project has been secured by the Association. The Fishing Highway 24 Tourism Association has been active in pursuing the development of this site as a tourism attraction and amenity for area residents. The funds will be used towards construction of an access road off of Highway 24. The access road will ultimately connect to a parking lot for visitors once the project is complete.

NDIT Application Endorsed

The Cariboo Regional District endorsed a resolution in support of an application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) from the Lone Butte, Horse Lake Community Association. The request is for $6,206 in grant funding from the Regional Development Account, under the Community Halls & Recreation Facilities program. The funding will be used to purchase new chairs for the hall, and to construct a storage shed that will house a ladder and other supplies. The current chairs at the hall are in poor condition and need replacement so that the hall can continue to host larger gatherings. The new storage shed is expected to allow for more tidy storage of supplies at the hall, leaving more usable space for activities. It is the expectation of the application that these improvements will create better rental opportunities at the hall.

Crystal Lake Recreation Site Improvements

Discretionary funds from Electoral Area L were authorized to help offset the costs of improvements to the Crystal Lake recreational site to ensure a safe area to launch boats off the travelled road, to install fire rings and improve access/egress and parking.

UBCM a Positive Experience for CRD Board

A number of directors commented on their attendance at the UBCM convention last week citing positive experiences with meetings with various provincial ministries and the resolutions debate.

Next Board Meeting

CCRHD & CRD Board Meetings - October 23, 2015

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