Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Drinking Water Wells Project Open House - City of Quesnel

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel website:

You are invited to attend an open house at:
City of Quesnel Council Chambers
410 Kinchant St
October 28, 2015 from 3 p.m. – 7 p.m.
A team of Drinking Water Professionals and City Staff will have work stations set up to provide an overview of background, current and future planned works on City of Quesnel groundwater wells. The City of Quesnel is seeking approval from the Environmental Assessment Office to extract groundwater from City wells at rates that meet thresholds outlined in the Reviewable Projects Regulation enacted under the BC Environmental Assessment Act. The Environmental Assessment Office considers this project is a “Public Good” project and it requires an environmental assessment certificate. The Environmental Assessment process involves Public Consultation and First Nations consultation.
City of Quesnel and area residents are invited to attend this Public Open House to learn about the project and to provide input on the environmental components that will be reviewed as a part of the environmental assessment.

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