Monday, November 16, 2015

2016 BC Budget Consultation Report available

This past Friday - the BC Legislature's Standing Committee on Finance/Gov't Services, which is an all-party Committee, released its' 2016 BC Budget Public Consultation Report.

The Committee is chaired by Delta-North MLA (BC Liberal) Scott Hamilton and the Committee provided some 63 recommendations to Government on various topics including Health, Education, Arts/Culture, etc.  Read the full press release from the Committee here plus the Committee' full Report here

As far as recommendations pertaining to local government in this Region - there were quite a few that may tweak the interest of local elected officials in the Cariboo-Chilcotin including:

29. Take additional measures to train and recruit health care professionals and develop incentives for them to remain in or locate to rural and remote communities

33. Ensure sufficient funding for the proactive prevention and management of invasive species and noxious weeds and update existing legislation, where applicable, to prohibit the sale of invasive species and plants.

44. Explore the possibility of creating a homeowner expense deferral account to assist seniors with ongoing maintenance of their homes and to maintain residency in their homes.

45. Provide strategic investment and expansion of the Province’s “Buy Local” program and partner with industry stakeholders to develop implementation of a small grant program for farmer’s markets in rural and remote communities

46. Provide expanded programs for vulnerable populations and support school meal programs, school gardens, and food literacy programs in the classroom and other community settingsthat promote opportunities to create direct linkages to local producers.

50. Maintain tax credits for the mining industry and mineral exploration and collaborate with municipal, and federal counterparts to encourage policies that enhance B.C.’s competitive edge

52. Engage in ongoing, coordinated planning with industry, First Nations and municipal government and all other stakeholders to expand and improve the capacity of services and infrastructure in resource municipalities and rural areas.

53. Increase investment in the arts, including multiple-year funding commitments to arts, culture and heritage funding, increase the grant budget of the BC Arts Council and invest in a cultural facilities capital infrastructure program

54. Restore Community Gaming Grants levels to 2008 levels and provide incremental increases as gaming funds increase.

59. Commit to increased funding for public transit to provide improved services in urban centres and rural areas

61. Provide funding for mental health courts, alternative/restorative justice models, and expanded access to legal aid and to justice initiatives in communities.

62. Increase investment in activities that help communities prepare for earthquake, flooding and wildfire risk, and promote the adoption of FireSmart practices in areas susceptible to wildfires.

63. Provide increased funding for wastewater/storm water infrastructure to improve resiliency for extreme weather events associated with climate change.

It will be interesting to observe how many of the 63 recommendations find their way into BC Budget 2016...


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