Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Correlieu Secondary School receives funding

Courtesy of the BC Government Caucus:

Students, teachers and staff at Correlieu Secondary will benefit from a heating, ventilation and air conditioning replacement, thanks to $490,000 in provincial funding to provide healthy, safe and modern learning environments.
This upgrade will replace the original 1972 classroom block main air-handling unit and four furnaces serving the 1980 multi-purpose/drama addition and ensure the school is safe and efficient to support student learning.

Work is expected to begin this year and finish by spring 2016.

“I continue to bring concerns back to Victoria and I know this funding will support Correlieu Secondary School’s learning environment,” Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes said. “Investing in upgrades helps maximize student potential.”

“The School District is pleased that we have been approved for the $490,000 funding for the first phase of the heating and ventilation mechanical upgrade at Correlieu,” School District 28 Board Chair Tony Goulet said. “The total project consists of four phases to be completed over four years and has a total cost of $2.3 million. The School District is hopeful to see additional funding in future years to complete all phases of this project.”

This project was approved under the province's routine capital program. Projects were chosen based on need, priority, and supporting student learning.

Quick Facts:

Since 2002, the ministry has invested $4.2 billion in new and improved schools, including $2.2 billion in seismic upgrades. This has resulted in 112 new schools, 186 schools with increased classroom space and 146 seismically upgraded schools

Boards of Education submit capital plans to the Ministry that include details on school building priorities in their school district.  

The provincial government establishes an overall capital budget for schools based the ministry's capital allocation.

To learn more about Capital Planning within the Ministry of Education, please visit 

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