Friday, November 13, 2015

CRD Board Highlights - Nov 13th mtg

Present: Chair A. Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Wagner, Cash, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall

Meeting called to order at 10:10am
Meeting Agenda approved/Mins of the CRD Board meeting held on Oct 23rd adopted

Resolved - That Board Resolution 2015-10B-14 (2nd Consideration of FirCrest RV Resort, Take over Water/Sewer System) be reconsidered.  Defeated by the following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Massier and Forseth

Negative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Kemp, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall


Delegation Business:

Board received the Delegation MOB and directed that MP's Doherty/MacLeod be added to the list

Development Services:

1) Bylaw #4966 (Area I) was given 1st/2nd Readings
2) Bylaw #4974 (Area D) following a Public Hearing on Nov 4th was given 3rd Reading/Adoption

3) The Board deferred consideration of DVP #39-2015 for up to 90 days.  Approved by following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Kemp, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, William, Anderson and Coakley

Negative - Director S. Forseth (Area D)

4) The Board directed Staff to draft amended criteria to be used when considering applications for Temporary Use Permits for temporary accommodation

Meeting recessed at 10:53am
Meeting resumed at 11:30am


Colin Hanson, Chair, Maureen LeBourdais, Regional Manager, and Erin Robinson, Assistant Regional Manager, Fraser Basin Council (FBC), will appear before the Board to provide an update on the activities of the FBC, inquire what the key issues facing the region are, and what role the FBC could play to address them.

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Meeting recessed at 12:05pm
Meeting resumed at 12:45pm

5) The Board received Building Stats reports for September 2015

Community Services:

1) The Board endorsed NDIT Applications for McLeese Lake Community Hall and Soda Creek (Xat'sull) Community Building


1) The Board received/ratified the Cheque Register for October 2015 in the amount of $1,561,450.80


1) The Board endorsed, in open meeting, two In-Camera Motions concerning the 10 Mile Fire Chief Contract and closure of the CRD Williams Lake Office in late December 2015 - early January 2016

2) The Board received a letter from Neal Beckwith concerning burning of rail ties

3) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of Nov 13th, 2015

4) The Board received the NCLGA Newsletter for Oct 2015

5) The Board received a letter from the Hon. Mary Polak (BC Ministry of Environment) concerning permits issued for Mt Polley and Gibraltar Mines

Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received the North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting Minutes of October 13th

2) The Board received the North Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting Minutes of Oct 13th and endorsed two recommendations from that meeting (Quesnel/District Arts/Rec Centre Stairway Project & Facility Condition Assessment for Bouchie Lake/Barlow Creek Recreation Properties)

3) The Board received the South Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting Minutes of Oct 19th and endorsed 4 Recommendations from that meeting (108 Lakes Beach Maintenance Agreement, Contribution Agreement for the South Cariboo Community Enhancement Foundation, Contribution to 100 Mile Ball Diamonds, South Cariboo Agri-Culture Enterprise Centre Society - May 4th mtg)

4) The Board received the Policy Committee Minutes of Oct 22nd and endorsed recommendations from that meeting (proposed changes to the Policy Manual, rescind Board Policy for Proclamations and create a nomination package on expectations, etc for Candidates for CRD Electoral Area Director)

5) The Board received the First Nations Relations Committee Meeting Minutes of Oct 22nd and referred recommendations from that meeting (Referral Process, Staff Education concerning Aboriginal Peoples, Residential School Cemeteries, Residential School System - Historical Documents, Aboriginal Athlete Funding, Committee Terms of Reference) to a future Committee of the Whole meeting

6) The Board received the Finance/Budget Committee Meeting Minutes of Oct 22nd and endorsed recommendations from that meeting (Approval of 2016 Business Plans for Admin/EA Admin, Governance, 2016 Requisition Target, Community Works Funding Allocation Review, Directors' Pay, Insurance Deductible Contingency Fund, BC Hydro - Grants in Lieu of Taxes Allocation for Electoral Areas)

7) The Board received the Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus meeting minutes of Oct 28th and endorsed two recommendations from that meeting (Installation of Portable Washroom at Pullout near Reservoir Lake & Appointment of Director Forseth to Mt Polley Public Liaison Committee and establishment of WL Rural Fringe Fire Protection Working Group)

8) The Board received the Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting minutes of Oct 28th and endorsed recommendations from that meeting (CC Arts/Culture Society agreements, CMRC Parking Lot Expansion Agreement, Amendment to CMRC Facility Management Agreement, Resolution concerning installation of Roundabout for CMRC Entrance, CMRC Rink Board Ad Sign Revenue, Field Maintenance Agreements at Esler Complex, Contribution Agreement with 150 Mile Greenbelt Heritage/Trails Society

9) The Board received the Fin/Audit Committee Meeting Minutes of Oct 29th

10) The Board received the Committee of the Whole Board Meeting Minutes of Oct 29th and endorsed recommendations from that meeting (2015-19 Strategic Plan, Corporate Priorities Policy, Grants for Assistance Policy, Ancillary Bylaw Amendments, Secondary Suites/Carriage House/Secondary Dwelling Bylaw Amendments)

11) The Board received the North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting Minutes of Nov 3th and endorsed 1 recommendation from that meeting (authorization for City of Quesnel to provide High Angle Rescue within CRD)

Corporate Bylaws:

1) The Board adopted Bylaws #4965 (South Cariboo Recreation Fees/Charges) and #4976 (CRD Fire Departments)

Resolved - That a NCLGA Resolution be drafted with regard to Treaty Negotiations and Ranching Lands and be brought back to the Board for consideration & Staff set up a meeting with Minister Rustad and possibly Premier Clark ASAP in regards to the Treaty Process..

Resolved - That Support in Principle be provided for the Chinese Martial Arts Performances program in the Cariboo region and further that Staff time be authorized to identify grant funding and provide capacity support in the coordination and delivery of these cultural events

Directors' gave oral reports from their Electoral Area/Municipality

Meeting recessed at 3:03pm
Meeting resumed at 3:10pm

The Board convened its' In-Camera Meeting at 3:10pm as per Sections 90(1c,e,k and l) of the Community Charter

The Board resumed its' open meeting at 3:16pm
The CAO provided an quick update to the Board on future plans in regards to regional economic development

The Board adjourned its' meeting at 3:25pm

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