Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 16th, 2015

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel: 

Proposed Changes to Council Procedures
  Council has proposed further refinements to its meeting procedures bylaw that include:
·         Meeting Tuesday nights at 7pm instead of Mondays.
·         Holding only regular council meetings and allowing delegations to present at any Council meeting. This will allow more flexible scheduling of delegations.
·         Commence any public hearings at 7pm followed immediately by the regular council meeting.
·         Enabling individual Councillors, during their time as Acting Mayor, to chair an entire regular council meeting and participate in the agenda setting process for that meeting.
·         Adding “events and announcements” to the final agenda item of each meeting.
These proposed changes are to enable council meetings to be more effective and productive.

Grant Submissions
  The City is applying for various grants for projects totaling $927,180 that will support the City’s budget constraints, capital plan objectives and strategic plan.  The funding for these grant submissions would be derived from a combination of resources; specifically: the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) Cariboo-Chilcotin/Lillooet Regional Account and the NDIT Pine Beetle Recovery Account, the Beetle Action Coalition, the City’s Federal Gas Tax funds, the City’s capital budget, and contributions from participating local businesses and not-for-profit organizations.
These grant applications include:
·         Creation of a downtown public washroom and community festivals/marketing common space;
·         Building a “destination dog park” at Weldwood Park;
·         Replacing the heating and air circulation system at the indoor soccer facility;
·         Restoring the Hudson’s Bay building (new foundation);
·         Downtown Revitalization - engineering support to assess the potential for second-floor and above residences and a comprehensive accessibility assessment;
·         Creating a comprehensive plan for Baker Creek Park;
·         Creating a plan for a RV/truck pull-out in South Quesnel;
·         Development of conceptual drawings for Gymnastics facility;
·         Improved business façade improvement program;
·         Economic Development Intern;
·         Planning Intern;
·         Incremental funding for Grant Writer position;
·         Increased funding for Economic Development Officer position;
·         City brand re-design, implementation and marketing strategy.

Quesnel Lions Housing Society
Council heard the results of the Quesnel Lions Housing Society’s Open House for the proposed Affordable Seniors’ Housing complex to be located on the corner of Reid Street/McNaughton Avenue.  The proposed development is 30 one-bedroom apartments ranging from 534 to 654 square feet.  The Open House summary highlighted the need for more on-site parking for this proposed development.  The proposed development currently has 11 on-site parking spaces with one parking space designated for accessible parking.  The Public Hearing scheduled for November 23, 2015 has been cancelled until a Housing Agreement and parking issues are addressed.  

Proposed Public Works Facility 
Council heard an overview of the proposed Public Works Facility project.  Currently this project is estimated at $9.9 million.  The next step is for Council to consider a Business Plan for this project that will outline the taxation impact for Quesnel’s taxpayers and how this capital project fits within Council proposed tax framework for 2016-2018.  The goal is to conduct an Alternate Approval Process for this project in early 2016 and, with the public’s approval, construction to commence in 2017. 

·   Bylaw 1784 – Council Procedure – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings
Next Meetings:

Monday, November 23, 2015 at 7pm
Committee of the Whole Session

Monday, November 30, 2015 at 7pm
Regular Meeting

Council Clippings provides a summary of business conducted by Council at Regular Council meetings. For specific details, visit www.quesnel.ca, click the “Council” link and the “Agendas and Minutes” section.

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