Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 2nd meeting

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Early Outcomes from Strategic Planning

The proposed early outcomes from Strategic Planning Sessions held on October 21 and 22 were highlighted:
·   Council Procedure Bylaw – Council meetings are proposed to change from Monday to Tuesday evenings;
·   Executive Committee to review Council special committees and Council liaison appointments;
·   Review the West Quesnel Land Stability Project and where this project will be prioritized on the City’s Capital Infrastructure project list;
·   Public consultation for the proposed three-year tax shifting framework;
·   Review of the City/Cariboo Regional District shared services;
·   Rebranding/marketing initiative for the City;
·   Recognition of First Nations Traditional Territory and Culture;
·   Comprehensive Housing Strategy.

Draft Master Parks Plan

The following were discussed around the draft City of Quesnel Parks, Greenspaces and Outdoor Recreation Master Plan:
·   Research overall utilization of playing fields/parks;
·   Consider disposition of playing fields/parks with low utilization, or where usage can be combined with other playing fields/park(s), to facilitate Comprehensive Housing Strategy;
·   Research possible grant funding for recreation opportunities that can be applied to the City’s parks;
·   Concerns with having 13 ball diamonds vs. the Plan’s recommended 5 ball diamonds;
·   Research possible economic grant funding through the Northern Development Initiative Trust by partially developing Cariboo Fields into a football field and hosting tournaments;
·   Decide on location of Off-Leash Dog Park;
·   Is a Parks Committee needed?
·   Develop Environmental Stewardship Policy/Practices for all manicured green spaces;
·   Create better linkages of the trail system to/from the Quesnel River Bridge for both foot and bike traffic;
·   Is it feasible for Two-Mile Flat to have a bike-commuter trail?

Council Lobbies Premier

Council approved Mayor Simpson’s correspondence addressed to the Premier whereby Council will lobby on behalf of the community’s forest sector specifically asking the Provincial government “to expeditiously respond to West Fraser’s requests for PST relief for Quesnel River Pulp and that immediate steps be taken to reduce energy costs to both Quesnel River Pulp and Westpine MDF”. Council also requested that the Provincial “government directly engage BC Hydro in discussions about how to better support energy conservation investments and assist all our industrial users to reduce their load demand on BC’s hydroelectric system”. 

Seniors’ Affordable Housing Project 

Council passed first reading and approved November 23, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. for the Public Hearing of the Official Community Plan and Zoning Amendment bylaws for the Quesnel Lions Housing Society’s Affordable Seniors Housing Project that is proposed for the corner of Reid Street/McNaughton Avenue.  The proposed project will have a maximum of 30 dwelling units.  The Quesnel Lions Housing Society is hosting an Open House regarding this proposed project on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 from 5 – 8 p.m. at the Best Western Tower Inn on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 from 5 – 8 p.m.

Council Indemnities for 2016

Council approved a zero percent increase for Council indemnities in 2016.

West Quesnel Land Stability

Council confirmed there will be no opportunity to relieve current building restrictions in the West Quesnel Study Area until land movement has been reduced to an acceptable level for a sustained period of time, expected to be three years or more after the completion of Phase 2 of the drainage project, and all subject to professional geo-technical engineering advice.  A  Hazardous Area Development Permit will be implemented as part of the Community’s Official Community Plan.  The next Open House for this project is November 19th at 6:00 p.m. at Voyageur Elementary School.
After Phase II of this project has been completed, the City will have allocated approximately $16 million, including federal and provincial funding, in the West Quesnel Land Stability Project.  Council has directed the Financial Sustainability and Audit Review Committee to review the City’s Major Infrastructure Projects Capital list and to remove the West Quesnel Land Stability Project from this list.

Next Meetings:  Nov. 9 - Committee of the Whole at 7:00 p.m. and Nov. 10 - North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee at 5:30 p.m

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