Sunday, November 1, 2015

Steve's Meeting Calendar/Expenses Submitted - Oct 2015

During the month of October 2015 - I attended the following events/meetings:

Oct 2nd - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings
Oct 9th - Telus Announcement in Boitanio Park (substantive completion of Telus's Fiber Optic System in Williams Lake)

Oct 16th - Communities that Care Planning Event (on behalf of CRD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley)

Oct 22nd - CRD Finance/Budget Meeting
Oct 23rd - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings

Oct 28th - Central Cariboo Rural Caucus/Joint Committee Meetings
Oct 29th - CRD Committee of the Whole Board Meeting + CRD Finance/Audit Committee Mtg

As for submitted expenses for the month of October 2015:

Oct 2nd CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings - $0.00 (as I stayed for 1 hour so I chose not to submit an expense claim)

Oct 14th - Reimbursement for Hotel charges ($192.84) at Fraser Basin Council meeting of Oct 1st, 2015 (on behalf of CRD Area 'C' Director John Massier) and $200 reimbursement for replacement of my vehicle windshield while on CRD Business

Oct 23rd - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings - $185.00
Oct 28th - Central Cariboo Rural Caucus/Joint Committee Meetings - $75.00
Oct 29th - CRD Board, Committee of the Whole Meeting - $120.00

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