Thursday, December 24, 2015

City of WL on Frizzi Rd Closure

From the Goat FM Facebook Page:

The City of Williams Lake would like to advise residents and recreational users that the Frizzi Road access to the River Valley is open to traffic, however, the roadway will not be maintained by the City through the winter into 2016.
Residents accessing Frizzi Road are asked to exercise extreme caution when accessing this roadway, it has a steep incline/decline. Signage has been placed to advise users to be careful, proceed at your own risk and exercise caution.
An alternative route for recreational users is the Comer Street access, this is pedestrian access only, this roadway will be utilized for vehicular purposes by City staff and residents of Moore Mountain. 
River Valley recreational users are asked to use caution and to keep children and pets close when entering the River Valley from Comer Street and Frizzi Road.

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