Friday, December 11, 2015

CRD Board Highlights - Dec 11th meeting

Present: Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall

Meeting called to order at 9:55am by CAO J. Bell

Election of Chair:

Director Armstrong nominated Director Richmond.  Director Richmond accepted his nomination
Director Coakley nominated Director Forseth.  Director Forseth accepted his nomination

CAO J. Bell called 3 times for further nominations.  None received

Directors Forseth/Richmond both gave short candidate speeches to the Board.  After voting, the CAO declared Director Richmond Chair of the CRD Board for 2016

Resolved - That the ballots for election of Chair be destroyed

Election of Vice-Chair:

Director Coakley nominated Director Armstrong.  Director Armstrong accepted his nomination

CAO J. Bell called 3 times for further nominations.  None received

Director Armstrong declared elected by acclamation as Vice-Chair of the CRD Board for 2016

Director Richmond then took the Chair

Meeting recessed at 10:05am
Meeting resumed at 10:14am

Meeting Agenda adopted/Nov 13th CRD Board Minutes adopted

Delegation MOB as of Dec 11th adopted

Development Services:

a) CRD Chilcotin Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 4994, 2015 was given 1st/2nd Readings

b) CRD North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 4996, 2015 was deferred for up to 90 days, to allow the applicant time to address the concerns raised by Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

c) CRD Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4969, 2015 was given 3rd Reading
d) CRD Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 4967, 2015 was given 3rd Reading/Adoption
e) CRD Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 4968, 2015 was given 3rd Reading/Adoption
f) DVP #44-2015 (Area L) was deferred for up to 120 days (4 months) to allow the applicant time to request amendment of the flood covenant from Ministries of Transportation/Environment to 1.5 m elevation
g) Building Stats for month of October 2015 was received
h) The Board deferred to the March 24th, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting further discussion on a First Nation Engagement Policy to allow Staff time to seek a legal opinion and to provide the Board with a recommendation

i) Staff were directed to hire a contractor to remove debris on property owned by Thomas Schoeler in accordance with Section 7 of Bylaw No. 4628, 2011 and that costs be billed to the registered owner, and if not paid by December 31, 2016, assigned to property taxes as taxes in arrears.

j) A report from the Mgr of Development Services in regards to the Provincial discussion paper and proposed Minister’s Bylaw Standards regarding Agri-tourism and Farm Retail Sales in the Agricultural Land Reserve was received and Staff submit questions as comments from the Board

Environmental Services:

a) The Rural Refuse Site Inspection Report was received

b) The Board received a Solid Waste Management Update report from the CRD Supervisor of Solid Waste Management

c) The Board authorized reallocation of $800,000 for 108 Mile water system treatment plant design and construction towards the construction of a 3 kilometre water main and provision of 3 phase power.

d) Late Item - The Board agreed to delay the upcoming assent vote for the 108 Mile Water System improvements, originally scheduled to be held on January 30, 2016

Meeting recessed at 12:11pm for lunch
Meeting resumed at 12:45pm

The CAO introduced the new Manager of Procurement to the Board

Community Services:

a) The Board endorsed 2 NDIT (Northern Development Initiative Trust) applications as follows:

i) 2016 Business Façade Improvement Program
ii) Xat’sull Gas Bar, Restaurant & Convenience Store

and received an NDIT Application for Xeni Gwet’in Community Airport Development - Phase 2


a) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report for the month of November 2015, in the amount of $814,295.60
b) The Board endorsed the Provisional 2016 Business/Financial Plans, as amended (Forest Grove Fire Grove - sale of Engine 12 as 2016 Business Plan Goal), for public consultation
c) The Board approved appointing AON Risk Solutions as the CRD's Insurance Provider from 2016-2020 and Staff were directed to investigate options for insurance coverage for CRD Community Halls and event insurance

d) Staff were tasked to look at WCB-like insurance for Directors'.  Approved by the following vote:

- Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, and Campsall

Negative - Director W. Cobb


a) The Board received an additional two letters with regards to concerns about burning rail ties at Atlantic Power's Co-Gen Plant in Williams Lake

b) The Board received an NCLGA (North Central Local Gov't Association) Update for the 2016 AGM/Convention in Dawson Creek, BC + 2016 Resolution Process and 2017 Convention Bid Package. The Board further authorized a 2016 NCLGA Resolution with respect to Effect of Treaties on Crown Tenure and License Holders

c) The Board received the Consent Calendar and Financial Consent Calendar as of Dec 11th, 2015

d) The Board received two letters from the Province -- one from Hon. Mary Polak (Min of Environment) concerning 2015 UBCM Meeting and one from Hon. Steve Thomson (Min of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations) concerning Wolf Reduction Plan

e) The Board received a letter from the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation concerning the proposed Dasiqox Tribal Park

e) The Board received a copy of a letter from the District of Squamish to BC Transportation Minister Todd Stone concerning BC Transit funding concerns

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

a) The Board received Heritage Steering Committee Meeting Notes - May 26, 2015 and Oct 15th, 2015

b) The Board received South Cariboo Joint Committee Minutes - November 9, 2015 and adopted recommendations from that meeting (2016 Grants for Assistance, Functional Integration for the South Cariboo Fire Departments, District of 100 Mile House - Lodge Tour and Working with School Board No. 27)

c) The Board received North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Minutes - November 10, 2015 and adopted one recommendation from that meeting (2016 North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Business Plan and Five Year Financial Plan)

d) The Board received the Finance/Budget Committee Minutes - November 12, 2015 and adopted recommendations from that meeting (Invasive Plants, extra-
territorial contracts, including renewal options, specifically with regard to the Hixon Fire Protection area and fire dispatch services)

e) The Board received Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Minutes - November 25, 2015 and adopted recommendations from that meeting (2016 Grant for Assistance applications, City of Williams Lake - Offer from Patenaude Family to Donate 153 Mile Store as Heritage Building)

f) The Board received Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Minutes - Nov 25th, 2015 and adopted recommendations from that meeting (Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Fee for Service Management Committee appointments, Request for Letter of Support - Williams Lake Cycling Club, Sam Ketcham Pool Upgrade Project)

g) The Board received Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Minutes - December 2, 2015 and adopted two recommendations from that meeting (Resolution from Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus - Request for Electoral Area D, F, G, H and K Discretionary Funds - Communities that Care Prevention Needs Assessment Survey and Williams Lake Cycling Club Grant for Assistance Application - Electoral Area 'E')

Corporate Bylaws:

a) The Board gave 3rd Reading, as amended, to 103 Mile Water Service Establishment Bylaw No. 4980, 2015

Directors' Reports/Requests:

a) The Board rejected a request of Director Forseth to not renew the Cariboo Regional District's membership in the Federation of Canadian Municipalities

b) The Board appointed Director (and Wells Mayor) Robin Sharpe to the North Cariboo Healthy Communities Committee

c) The Board received a report of Chair Al Richmond concerning FCM Meetings in Ottawa held on Nov 17th-20th, 2015.

d) The Board endorsed a request of Director Sorley for $1,000 from the Electoral Area F Discretionary Fund toward the cost of acoustic improvements in the Big Lake Community Hall

Directors' reported out on their activities in their Electoral Areas/Muncipalities

Meeting recessed at 3:07pm
Meeting resumed at 3:17pm

At 3:17pm - The Board recessed its' public meeting to hold an In-Camera meeting as per Section 90(1a,e,i,k) of the Community Charter

At 3:35pm - The Board resumed its' public meeting and adjourned

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