Monday, December 14, 2015

Sam Ketcham Pool Project Update - Dec 14th, 2015

From the Sam Ketcham Pool Project's Facebook Page:

As we head into the Christmas season, we wanted to ensure that we provided you with a bit of a project update before the new year. Given the magnitude of this project, we will continue to post more information as it becomes available. At this point we have a construction timeline update and some general information about some things you need to know as we head into this next phase.

Construction Timelines

You can expect to see actual construction preparation start in the beginning of March, 2016 (weather permitting). The site will be prepared for construction with fencing, signage and an on- site project management trailer.

After this preparatory phase, work will begin on temporary walls between the existing pool tank and the Phase One construction area. Temporary power, HVAC and plumbing will also be installed at this point so the existing pool tank can continue to operate during construction. The current sauna, hot tub, steam room, wading pool and fitness centre will be closed at this point. Demolition and excavation of the new construction area will follow the completion of the temporary walls.

Phase One includes construction of the new pool tank, change room additions, fitness centre and hot tub.

Helpful Information

There may be unexpected closures of the pool tank during Phase One, however we expect the pool tank will be open most of the time during this phase with minimal service interruptions. We will communicate these closures with as much notice as possible. Follow us on Facebook at or contact the Cariboo Regional District or the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex for updates and notifications.

We will be moving much of the cardio equipment, and some of our smaller equipment, into the current pool viewing area to create a new gym space for the duration of Phase One. This new space will not include free weights, nor much of the larger equipment such as bench press, squat racks, benches, Universal, etc. This equipment will go into storage until the new fitness centre space opens.

We will be moving many of the free weights and other small equipment into storage in the Gibraltar Room and will offer opportunities for use of this equipment through expanded scheduled programs which will run for the duration of Phase One. Stay tuned for details on these programs.

The Pool viewing area will be temporarily moved onto the pool deck in front of the current viewing area (inside the pool enclosure). Available viewing space will be limited and users will be required to leave their footwear at the entrance door.

We would like to thank you in advance for your patience during the upcoming construction period. We know there will be frustrations during this time and we will do our best to minimize them.

Happy holidays from the Sam Ketcham Pool Working Group and Project Management team.

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