Thursday, December 3, 2015

UBCM to BC Gov't - Fund DNA Analysis Yourself..

UPDATE on Dec 3rd at 12:22pm - Statement from BC Justice Suzanne Anton - read here while UBCM responds to Minister Anton's statement of late yesterday here

Courtesy of the Union of BC Muncipalities:

The Union of BC Municipalities is calling on Attorney General Suzanne Anton to reverse a decision to shift provincial costs for DNA analysis to local governments. Recently, local governments began to receive bills for DNA analysis services that previously had been funded by the federal and provincial governments.

The decision by the Province to shift these costs to local governments was made without consultation or explanation to the impacted municipalities. In 2016/17 alone, $2.90 million in unexpected costs will be shifted onto municipalities with populations greater than 5,000.

“Imagine waking up one morning and finding a bill in your mailbox that properly belonged to your neighbour – that’s how our members are feeling about this decision”, said UBCM President Al Richmond. “We can all appreciate the Province is doing its best to balance the budget, but the solution for paying for new costs can’t be handing the bill over to local governments.”

In a letter to Minister Anton, Mr. Richmond described the decision to transfer costs without consultation as a “significant oversight” since the decision failed to take into account the ability of local governments to pay. Richmond also states that to his knowledge no other province or territory is adopting BC’s approach, and asked the Minister to explain the Province’s justification and authority for its decision.

Based on opinion that UBCM has sought on the authority of the Province under the Police Act, it appears that an Order in Council is required in order to shift costs for DNA analysis to local governments. The Ministry of Justice has not yet indicated that such an Order in Council exists

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