Sunday, February 28, 2016

108 Water System Assent Vote passes!

Yesterday - the following question was put to those within the 108 Mile Water System service area:

“Are you in favour of the Cariboo Regional District borrowing up to two million dollars to construct a new well, water main and water treatment plant at the 108 Mile Water System? The combined costs to build and operate the improved system would be as follows:

Parcel tax of approximately $250 per year for 15 years, starting in 2016; and
Increased user fee to approximately $284 per year per single family residence, starting in 2017.

To accommodate the above, an amendment to the current service bylaw is necessary to increase the annual maximum tax requisition to the greater of $400,000 or an amount raised by applying a tax rate of $1.61/$1,000 of assessment to the net taxable value of land and improvements in the service area.”

The unofficial results are:

YES - 415
NO - 100

Official results of the assent vote will be declared Tuesday afternoon...

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