Friday, February 26, 2016

Cariboo Regional District Board Highlights - Feb 26th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Hospital Project Funding
         The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board gave 3 readings to bylaws authorizing a 40% contribution to the GR Baker Memorial Hospital Switchgear Replacement project and the GR Baker Memorial Hospital Quesnel Unit for Emergency Short Stay Treatment Program renovation project.  It was further resolved that adoption of the bylaws will be contingent on the Board receiving assurances that a fair and transparent procurement process will be followed when awarding contracts for the projects.

Sponsorship for Big Lake Community Association Grant
         The Board approved a request from the Big Lake Community Association to sponsor the association’s 2016 application, to the Farm Credit Canada AgriSpirit Fund, for a grant of $15,000 to aid in the replacement of the staff housing unit at the Big Lake Community Hall property. 

Support for Community NDIT Applications
         The Regional District Board of Directors will provide letters of support to the following application’s to the Northern Development Initiative Trust.

         Roe Lake & District Recreation Commission - The request is for $30,000 in grant funding from the Cariboo-Chilcotin/Lillooet Regional Development Account, under the Community Halls & Recreation Facilities program. The funding will be used to complete a newly constructed concession building on the Interlakes rodeo grounds.  The total value of the project is $44,512.

         Williams Lake Indian Band - The request is for $30,000 in grant funding from the Cariboo-Chilcotin/Lillooet Regional Development Account, under the Community Halls & Recreation Facilities program. The funding will be used to construct a new multi-use recreation trail with a low-mobility component at the east end of Williams Lake. Once complete, the trail will provide a connection from the recreation trails located near the Chief Will-Yum Campsite to those located in the South Lakeside area.The total value of the project is $59,000.

         Northern Secwepemc Cultural Society - The request is for $30,000 in grant funding from the Cariboo-Chilcotin/Lillooet Regional Development Account, under the Community Halls & Recreation Facilities program. The funding will be used to construct a cultural monument representing the Secwepemc peoples, near 108 Mile Lake. The monument is expected to be one feature of a larger project, which is the construction and operation of a Northern Secwepemc Cultural Centre at the same location. The total value of the project is $208,250.

         Spinal Cord Injury BC - The request is for $20,000 in grant funding from the Cariboo-Chilcotin/Lillooet Regional Development Account, under the Marketing Initiatives program. The funding will be used to develop a publicly available informational resource which will catalog the accessible outdoor recreation amenities found in northern BC. The total value of the project is $71,470.

         Barkerville Heritage Trust - The request is for $30,000 in grant funding from the Cariboo-Chilcotin/Lillooet Regional Development Account, under the Community Halls & Recreation Facilities program. The funding will be used to purchase and install a ‘magic carpet’ lift, which will service a tube park near Barkerville Historic Town. The total value of the project is $100,000.

Economic Development Function
         The Board resolved to create an Economic Development Function in Electoral Areas J and K, with $5,000 to be allocated to each function in the 2016 budget. 

2015 Invasive Plant Management Report
         The Board received the 2015 Invasive Plant Management Report.  A few highlight from the report are:

         The program provided invasive plant management services for the Cariboo Regional District, City of Williams Lake, and District of Wells on private, municipal, and regional district owned lands. Services were also provided on a fee for service basis for the City of Quesnel, BC Hydro, Fortis BC Energy Inc., Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations.

         50 privately owned lots within the CRD were inventoried and treated, 294.8 L and 0.00075 Kg were dispensed, and spray equipment was available for loan out through the services available in the CRD’s Landowner Assistance Program. Also within the Landowner Assistance Program was a new 50/50 cost share program. The program began its initial 5 year pilot in 2013 and was very successful in 2015 with just over 1315.25 acres receiving treatment on 17 participating properties.

Reduced User Fees at Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex During First Phase of Construction
         The Board adopted Cariboo Regional District Central Cariboo Recreation Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 5015, which authorizes rate reductions for recreation programs affected by the first phase of the Sam Ketcham Pool construction/renovation project slated to commence on March 1, 2016.  The reduced rates will remain in effect until completion of the first phase of construction.

Next Board Meeting
CCRHD & CRD Boards – March 24, 2016

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