Tuesday, February 9, 2016

COW Mtg (CRD Board) - Feb 9th mtg

Present: Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Cobb and Campsall

Meeting called to order at 10:30am

Meeting Agenda approved and Mins of the Oct 22nd, 2015 COW Meeting Approved


1) Strategic Plan Update

The Committee received a report of the CAO
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received and that the current reporting structure be replaced with the following reports to be provided on a quarterly basis:

Routine operational goals;
Strategic goals; and
Additions to workplan.

And that the Corporate Priorities policy be amended in accordance with the recommendations contained in the report. Further, that the Agenda Item Summary format be amended in accordance with the recommendations contained in the report.

2) Directors’ Remuneration and Expense Bylaw

The Committee received a report of the CAO
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received and That the expense reimbursement and remuneration processes be separated. Further, that to the degree possible, the
monthly remuneration rate include the main business aspects of being an elected member of the Cariboo Regional District Board. Further, that any remaining
meetings that require remuneration on the basis of attendance at a session, be simplified by establishing a minimum number of different rates. And further, that once the preferred remuneration method is implemented, a revised electronic process for any remaining remuneration and/or expenses be developed and implemented and that Directors be provided with three months to transition from the manual paper remuneration and expense forms to the new electronic formats and C2C events be a remunerated event

Meeting recessed for lunch at 11:53am
Meeting resumed at 12:30pm

3) Application Referral Documents

The Committee received a report of the Mgr of Development Services
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received and that the Board direct staff to use the new format and adapt the example for the other types of planning applications.

4) Request for Discussion regarding Neighbourhood Planning - Director J. Bruce

The Committee received a report of the Corporate Officer
Discusion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received

5) Request for Discussion (Debrief Session - 2015 NCLGA/UBCM Conventions) - Director S. Forseth

The Committee received a report of the Corporate Officer
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received

6) Discussion of the Electoral Area Discretionary Fund Policy - Chair A. Richmond

The Committee received a report of the Corporate Officer
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received

7) Referred Item from Oct 23rd, 2015 Board Mtg – Minutes and Recommendations of the October 22nd, 2015 First Nations Relations Committee Meeting

The Committee received a report of the Corporate Officer
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received, minutes of the Oct 22nd First Nations Relations Committee be received and the following be approved

1) The Terms of Reference for the First Nations Relations Committee be amended to include reference to Main Purpose of the Committee to build on local relations

2) Committee Recommendation #3 (Residential School Cemeteries) be endorsed
3) Committee Recommendation #5 (Aboriginal Athlete Development Funding, as amended - include consideration of other athlete funding as well) be endorsed

The Committee adjourned at 2:43pm

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