Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Dysfunction in local governments costing $$$

Last Wednesday - CBC Daybreak South host Chris Walker interviewed Dermod Travis - Executive Director of Integrity BC about the infighting in local governments, censure brought upon a member of local government (municipal council or regional district) and salary cost of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), dismissal or resignation of a local CAO in such places like:

a) Tumbler Ridge
b) Central Okanagan RD
c) Grand Forks
d) West Kelowna
e) Williams Lake
f) Saanich

And the fact that these events (infighting or censure or dismissal/resignation of a CAO) end up, in one form or another, costing local taxpayers either direct money or just unwanted media attention.  Mr Travis says that there could be as many as a dozen local government suffering through these problems of either infighting on municipal councils' or regional district boards', censure issues or CAO's leaving a local government

Mr. Travis speaks to what is occurring and what he feels may be a solution(s) to avoid these problems all together, where possible

Listen to the interview below:

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