Friday, February 5, 2016

Last day of LGLA 2016

Earlier today - the last day of the 2016 Local Government Leadership Academy took place.

In the morning - there were talks on "Loose Lips sink Battleships" by the Municipal Insurance Authority along with a presentation from BC Assessment on their work

Then the following workshops took place:

* Harassment/Bullying in the Workplace/Requirements of Bill 14
* 94 Recommendations from the Truth/Reconciliation Commission - Reconciliation in Action
* Open Meetings
* Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy: What Every Elected Local Government Officials Needs to Know

Following the Workshops - the Hon. Peter Fassbender (Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development) was pleased to give a speech to the LGLA Delegates present, following which he took questions from delegates including Delta and Kamloops

To wrap up the session - LGLA delegates heard from Forum Rapporteur Ken Cameron with his final observations with wrap up comments from LGLA President Rhona Martin

In the next few days (as I committed to previously) - I will post an "Post-Event" report, both here and my Steve Forseth - CRD Area 'D Director Facebook page detailing costs to attend and the workshops I personally attended at the 2016 LGLA Leadership Forum


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