Thursday, February 4, 2016

Quesnel Council Highlights - Feb 2nd mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Imperial Metals Corporation Delegation
Council invited Imperial Metals (Mount Polley Mine) to update Council of the mine’s operations and planned discharge of water into the Quesnel Lake and Quesnel River watershed.  The mine’s tailings pond dam was breached on August 4, 2014 emptying the tailings pond contents into this watershed system.  The mine’s  Don Parsons, Chief Operating Officer, and Dr. Lyn Anglin, Chief Scientific Officer updated Council on the following:
Operations Update
- Over 300 people presently employed
- Mill operating at 18-20,000 tpd
- Tailings/contact water (rainfall) discharged into Springer Pit
Treated Water Discharge
- Water Treatment Plan operational since Dec. 1/15 with water being discharged into Hazeltine Creek (non-fish bearing creek)
- Treated water mixes with Polley Lake water in Hazeltine Creek and discharges into Quesnel Lake via diffusers at 30-40 meters depth
Long Term Water Management Plan
- Ministry to review the mine’s Alternative Discharge Design and Construction Plan that will required the mine to submit two alternative discharge systems.
Council was advised that the mine’s expected lifespan is a further 5 to 10 years.

Capital Budget Overview
Council approved staff moving forward to build the City’s Five Year Financial Plan denoting:
- Proposed Capital Budget for 2016 is $13,403,830
- In 2016 $721,064 is budgeted for General Capital projects, down from previous years to allow for extra funding for the Official Community Plan review process
- Any projects that were not completed in 2015 are financed by funds brought forward from 2015
- Remaining Capital Budget is financed from a variety of grants and reserves.  The Utility Capital projects are funded through their respective surpluses.
- Proposed 2016 Capital Budget Highlights:
   $6,504,155 West Quesnel Land Stability
$1,900,000 Roads                            $1,151,500 Water
$853,045 Misc. Public Works          $684,650 Storm Sewer
$395,000 Public Works Building      $366,000 Equipment
$350,000 Emergency Services         $319,500 Airport
$224,480 Parks                                $100,000 Sewer         
For a complete list of proposed 2016 Capital Projects, as well as the detailed information regarding the City’s Five Year Capital Program (2016-2020), please visit the City’s website.
 Arena Replacement Project – Cost Savings
Council agreed to waive and reduce fees charged by the City for the building permit and tipping fees at the landfill to assist with cost savings measures for Arena Replacement Project estimated at $20.6 million.  Through crediting landfill tipping fees and reducing building permit fees, it is estimated that $100,000 will be saved.
Public Feedback – Proposed New Public Works Facility
A public open house was held on January 28, 2016 for the proposed new Public Works Facility.  The key questions and answers highlighted were:
How will the City ensure maximum local procurement?
Answer:  A Request for Qualification process will be used where respondents will list their use of local contractors, labour and suppliers.  Through the evaluation process points will be awarded for local procurement.
What is the taxation requirement due to this project?
Answer:  The taxation impact could be as high as $26.17 for the average residential property in Quesnel, this translates to approximately $16 per $100,000 of assessment.  The City’s intent is to eliminate this impact through cost-savings achieved by more efficient public works operations due to the new building, and there is “tax room” created by some major cost items being completed for the City.
Did the City consider lower cost alternatives, such as other buildings that could be repurposed?
Answer:  Yes, the City considered various other sites:  airport buildings; previous Finning building; and existing CANFOR shop.
Next Steps:  the City has submitted the $10,000,000 Loan Authorization Bylaw 1786 (that received the first three bylaw readings on January 5, 2016) to the Inspector of Municipalities for approval.  Pending this approval, Council, at an open Council meeting, will then consider the Corporate Officer to undertake an Alternative Approval Process as Bylaw 1786 requires Elector Assent before Council may consider final adoption of this Loan Authorization bylaw. 
Bylaw 1791 – Zone Amendment – Shipping Containers – First/ Second Readings  and Public Hearing set for February 23, 2016 at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
Bylaw 1792 – Zone Amendment – Accessory Buildings/RV Storage/Retail Licensee Stores - First/ Second Readings and Public Hearing set for February 23, 2016 at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
Next Meetings
- 7:00 pm, Tuesday, February 16, 2016 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee
-  7:00 pm, Tuesday, February 23, 2016 – Regular Council Meeting

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