Wednesday, February 24, 2016

"Stop Mayor Walt Cobb" Facebook Page

Just mere hours after Williams Lake City Council passed their "Inject GPS Device" NCLGA/UBCM Resolution for High Risk or Prolific Offenders at their meeting yesterday evening - an individual has set up a "Stop Mayor Walt Cobb" Facebook page, similiar in nature to the "Stop Harper" campaign, whose description says:

(Williams Lake) Mayor (Walt) Cobb has been a disaster in so many respects. This page is dedicated to getting him to reform or else he needs to be ousted.

For the record - local elected officials, once elected, are not subject to the same provincial recall law that provincial MLA's are subject to.  This is the first time, that I can remember, where one has taken this type of action against a Mayor of Williams Lake, either via a website or social media tools (Facebook, etc) just a mere year after a local election... however I don't expect this Facebook page will change the current course of action for crime related matters relative to Williams Lake City Council

View the Facebook page here.


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