Tuesday, February 2, 2016

UBCM Electoral Area Directors' Forum - Day 1

Today was Day 1 of 2 for the Electoral Area Directors' to hold a forum to discuss relevant issues.

Topics covered today included:

* UBCM Address by President (and Cariboo RD Chair) Al Richmond
* Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Presentation
* Wildfire Interface
* Rural Dividend
* Product Stewardship

One "hot" moment is when Cowichan Valley Area 'B' Director Sonia Furstenau openly challenged the presenter from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development on the BC Government's lack of actions relative to the dumping of tainted soil nearby the Shawnigan Lake watershed.  The presenter responded that she was unable to respond on behalf of Government

Later in the evening - I was able to have a friendly discussion with Director Furstenau about the issues in the Shawnigan Lake watershed issue that she and her community are fighting against the BC Government over... a very good discussion....

In addition - I was able to catch up with "old friends" like:

* RDFFG (Reg District of Fraser Fort George) Area C Director Lara Beckett
* FVRD (Fraser Valley Regional District) Area A Director Terry Raymond
* CSRD (Columbia Shuswap Regional District) Areas D/E Directors Rene Talbot/Rhona Martin

All in all - a great first day! Looking forward to the last day of the Forum


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