Thursday, February 11, 2016

UBCM meets with Suzanne Anton re: Missing/Murdered Aboriginal Women

Via the Union of BC Municipalities Website:

On February 3, 2016, UBCM President Al Richmond, and First Nations Relations Committee Chair, Councillor Murry Krause, met with Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton. The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, and provide local government perspectives to inform the Province’s submission to the federal government on pre-inquiry design.

Meeting discussion centred around the federal government’s pre-inquiry design discussion guide questions, including National Inquiry leadership and participation, key issues, and how best to ensure concrete and practical recommendations. UBCM representatives provided written feedback to assist the Province in submitting feedback to Canada that is informed by local government perspectives. The UBCM submission expresses a desire to support and stand with those who deserve justice and healing; emphasizes associated UBCM policy; and conveys the role of local governments in ensuring safety and wellbeing in BC communities. It was a supportive meeting, with all representatives expressing interest in continued dialogue on how best to support the inquiry moving forward.

Read the full UBCM submission to Minister Anton here


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