Tuesday, February 23, 2016

WL Council Highlights - Feb 23rd mtg

Present - Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors S. Nelson, C. Smith and L. Walters (via teleconference)

Meeting called to order at 6:05pm

Meeting Agenda approved with late items
Minutes of the Feb 9th, 2016 Council meeting adopted


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending February 11 and 17, 2016

2) Council awarded the 153 Mile Store Relocation contract to McGinn Engineering and Preservation Ltd. for a total not exceeding $28,000, excluding GST. Council also agreed to add a budget of $35,000 for the work to the proposed 2016 Annual City of Williams Lake Budget.

3) Council agreed to place 'The Elks Hall' on the Williams Lake Heritage Register. Staff were directed to register the property on the Province of British Columbia and Government Heritage Registry, which will also result in placement on the Canadian Register of Historic Places

4) Council adopted a recommendation from the General Governance Committee as follows:

a) That pursuant to General Governance Committee Report #01-2016, the report of the Director of Development Services dated February 1, 2016 be received and the previous work program assignments carrying forward from years prior to this current term of office be placed in abeyance

5) Council awarded the contract for the relining of the 1041 metres of vitreaous clay sewer mainlines to Insituform Technologies Limited for the bid price of $190,450, excluding GST

6) Council received the report of the Director of Community Services in regards to a potential roundabout for the Sam Ketcham Pool Renovation Project and agreed to advise the CRD that Council wishes to proceed with a 4 way stop for the Sam Ketcham Pool Renovation Project - Parking Lot Component

7) Council adopted several Committee of the Whole recommendations as follows:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #04-2016 and the report of the Bylaw Services Officer dated February 5, 2016, Council endorse the issuance of a ninety (90) day compliance order requiring the demolition of the fire-damaged building located at 55 Sixth Avenue South.

b) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #05-2016 and the report of the Director of Municipal Services dated February 11, 2016, Council approve the addition of an asphalt hot box to the 2016 Capital Budget and early budget approval be granted in the amount of $95,000; and further, Staff be requested to delete item(s) of similar value from the 2016 budget.

c) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #06-2016, the report of the Planner dated February 5, 2016 regarding the parkland disposition process be received and Council direct Staff to conduct an open house in the first week of April 2016 to inform the public of, and receive comments regarding, the disposition of the lands identified as surplus in the Parks, Trails & Outdoor Recreation Master Plan, and the materials be displayed at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex in the week following; and further, Staff report back to Council in March with a detailed consultation program and timeframe, and in May with the consultation findings.

d) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #07-2016, Staff work with the Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Association on applicable amendments to the Business Improvement Area Bylaw.

e) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Report #08-2016, Council support the Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Association inviting a representative from Business Improvement Areas of BC (BIABC) to facilitate a workshop for the WLCBIA and City.

f) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #09-2016, Council encourage the members of the Board of the Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Association to consider hosting a modified Street Party for 2016.

8) Council agreed to provide a letter of support for Youth for Christ's funding application to Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) for a grant of up to $30,000, from the Cariboo-Chilcotin/Lillooet region, towards renovations to the Hotspot Youth Centre.

9) Council received the letter from the Cariboo Chilcotin Conservation Society dated January 2016 regarding the launching of its new Green Events Planning Guide

10) Council agreed to provide a letter of support for Cariboo Elks Lodge #239's funding application to Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) for a grant, from the Cariboo-Chilcotin/Lillooet region, towards replacement of the Williams Lake Elks Hall roof.

11) Council proclaimed the month of April 2016 as "Daffodil Month" in the City of Williams Lake

12) Late Item #1 - Council agreed to endorse the nomination of Councillor Laurie Walters for the position of Second Vice President on the NCLGA Executive Board for the 2016/17 term.

13) Late Item #2 - Council agreed to provide early budget approval for the partnership with the WLCBIA to purchase a number of High Resolution Cameras to be installed at various points throughout the community

14) Late Item #3 - At the request of Councillor Nelson, Council endorsed the position of having GPS Tracking Devices being placed inside Prolific or High Risk Offenders and that this matter be forwarded to the NCLGA and UBCM annual meetings for consideration

15) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of Feb 23rd, 2016

Members of Council gave oral reports on their activities in the community

Meeting adjourned at 6:49pm and after a 2 minute recess, Council convened an In-Camera Meeting as per Section 90(1b - municipal honour) of the Community Charter

1 comment:

  1. Item #14 on the agenda has made Williams Lake a national embarrassment, but as a previous commenter stated on another story related to this item "what do you expect when you elect a bunch of clowns ,you get a circus"! Perhaps it's time for us to hire a strong "Ringmaster" capable of controlling the clowns.
