Monday, February 15, 2016

WL Council/BIA Relationship into rocky waters?


Tomorrow - Angie Delainey from the Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area Association (WLCBIA) will be appearing before Committee of the Whole Council for the purpose of having further discussion between Council/WLCBIA

In terms of background - at the January 19th, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting, Councillors Jason Ryll and Craig Smith raised concerns about the WLCBIA's request to cease putting on the annual Stampede Street Party and their Business Plan and the legalities that may be involved.  As a result of that discussion - Council asked the WLCBIA to provide them with an updated Business Plan in a letter from the City of Williams Lake dated January 27th, 2016

However, in a letter dated Tuesday, February 9th - the WLCBIA Board rejected that request as well as a request to meet with Williams Lake Council in an In-Camera Meeting and stated that the only meeting they would be prepared to participate in is a public meeting and only on how to cooperate in a collaborative way.

Read the letters between the City of Williams Lake and the WLCBIA Board here

Since 2004 when the WLCBIA was first established by the-then Mayor/Council - successive Mayors/Councils' have had a very fruitful relationship with successive WLCBIA Boards'.

The letter of Feb 9th from WLCBIA to Williams Lake Council suggests that this may be changing.  As a community member - I hope that Williams Lake Council/WLCBIA can find a way to move forward together as the tone of the WLCBIA's Feb 9th letter suggests a fight is brewing when one is not necessary.  I think we all understand that the WLCBIA is a major proponent for a healthy downtown core and this City Council is of the same mind - the challenge is how to mutually cooperate for that key purpose and if everyone refocuses on that goal and leaves personal ego's out of it - the goal of having a healthy downtown core can be achieved


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