Wednesday, March 23, 2016

CC Rural Caucus - March 23rd mtg

Present: Chair S. Forseth; Directors B. Kemp, J. Sorley and B. Anderson

Meeting called to order at 3:05pm

Acknowledgement by the Chair that the meeting is taking place on traditional Northern Shuswap territory

Meeting Agenda approved/Mins of the Feb 24th CC Rural Caucus meeting adopted

The Caucus reviewed the following matters:

1) Donation Request - 25th Anniversary of the Museum of the Cariboo-Chilcotin
2) Donation Request - Upgrades to Viewing Platform- Xatsull Heritage Village
3) 153 Mile Heritage Store Relocation – Options for a Feasibility Study Contribution (Referred by Board from its' Feb 26th meeting)
4) Late Item - 2nd Letter to MOTI concerning speed signs on Westcoast Road (follow up with MOTI Staff and report back)
5) Late Item - Letter to MOTI concerning signage to Soda Creek Cemetery from Highway 97 and along Soda Creek Townsite Rd
6) Action Page

At 3:30pm - The Caucus convened an In-Camera Meeting as per Section 90(1k - negotiations) of the Community Charter

At 3:41pm - The Caucus resumed its' public meeting

Meeting adjourned at 3:42pm

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