Thursday, March 24, 2016

CRD Board Highlights - March 24th mtg

Present: Chair A. Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, Cash, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Campsall and Alternate Director L. Roodenburg (Quesnel)

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

Acknowledgement of meeting on traditional Northern Shuswap territory

Meeting Agenda adopted/Mins. of the CRD Board Meeting of Feb 26th adopted

Delegations Memo of Business received


Development Services:

a) The following Bylaws were 1st Reading only

Bylaws 5012/5013 (Area L)

b) The following Bylaws were given 1st and 2nd Readings

Bylaws 5009/5010 (Area L) and Bylaw 5011 (Area B)

c) The following Bylaw was adopted

Bylaw 4909 (Area A)

d) The following Development Variance Permits were approved unanimously:

DVP's #8-2016 (Area G), #44-2015 (Area L), #4-2016 (Area L), #10-2016 (Area D) and DVP #67-2015 (Area A)

e) The Board approved ALR Application F5-2016 (Area F) for submission to the Provincial Agriculture Land Commission
f) The Board agreed to remove a condition of adoption of Cariboo Regional District North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 4996, 2015 as follows:

The applicants submit a Geotechnical Report and Engineered Design Drawings of an internal subdivision road with cul-de-sac to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure's Provincial Approving Officer and the Cariboo Regional District. The Geotechnical Report is to be prepared by a Qualified Professional, with recommendations concerning suitable access and safety issues regarding the intended use, and recommendations regarding the required internal subdivision road.

g) As a result of a revamping of the Local Government Act - the Board agreed to give 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and adopt the following Bylaws:

1) Cariboo Regional District Development Procedures, Guidelines & Fees Bylaw No. 5005, 2016
2) Cariboo Regional District Advisory Planning Commission Bylaw No. 5006, 2016
3) Cariboo Regional District Development Approval Information Bylaw No. 5008, 2016

h) The Board directed Staff to hire a contractor to remove the debris for property at 5987 Highway 24, Lone Butte, BC (Area L) and that costs be billed to the registered owner, and if not paid by December 31, 2016, assigned to property taxes as taxes in arrears.

i) The Board received Building Stat reports for the month of January 2016

Environmental Services:

a) The Board received the Water/Sewer Projects report as of March 24th

Community Services:

a) The Board endorsed two Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) applications for submission to the NDIT Cariboo-Chilcotin-Lillioet RAC/Board:

Directors R. Sharpe/J. Massier declared conflicts of interest on Item #1 below and left the meeting at 10:04am

1) Barkerville Heritage Trust - Revamp of the Visitor Information Centre and that Ed Coleman (Barkerville Heritage Trust CEO) makes a presentation to the Board on a vision of Barkerville Townsite.

Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, William, Anderson, Coakley, Campsall and Alternate Director Roodenburg (Quesnel)

Negative - Director D. Cash

Directors Sharpe/Massier returned to the meeting at 10:33am

2) Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association - Gold Rush Challenge

b) The Board approved up to $26,000 from the 2016 Community Halls Improvements envelope of the Community Works Fund to install energy efficient exterior doors and windows at the Forest Grove Community Hall

c) The Board approved the CRD allocate up to $2,500 from the Electoral Area Administration fund for the Chinese Martial Arts Performances, and seek a contribution commitment of up to $2,500 plus staff time from the proposed host communities, on the understanding that additional grant funding approvals are required for these events to proceed. And further, that the CRD request letters from the District of 100 Mile House, City of Williams Lake, City of Quesnel, and City of Prince George in support of applications to the Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Fabulous Festivals & Events program on their behalf, for the amount of $2,500 each

Protective Services:

a) The Board received the minutes from the 2015 CRD 24th Annual Fire Chiefs’ Workshop

b) The Board received a report from the Manager of Protective Services concerning training standards of CRD Volunteer Fire Departments

Meeting recessed at 10:39am
Meeting resumed at 10:47am

c) The Board received a report from the Manager of Protective Services concerning clarification of proposals contained in the paper Prepared and Resilient, a discussion paper on the legislative framework for emergency management in BC and a letter be forwarded to the Province based on the points raised by Directors'

Meeting recessed at 11:24am to CCRHD Board
Meeting resumed at 12:55pm - Alternate Director Ivan Bonnell (City of Williams Lake) entered the meeting


a) The Board received the monthly expenditures report of Feb 2016 totalling $819,672.59, consisting of $290,913.15 paid by cheque, $453,132.59 paid through electronic funds, and $75,626.85 paid by MasterCard

b) The Board approved the audit engagement letter for the 2015 fiscal year financial audit from PMT Chartered Professional Accountants LLP

c) The Board agreed the Insurance Deductible Contingency Fund be increased to and maintained at $100,000 and that Policy No. 03-02B-5(16) Global Claim Deductible Contingency Fund be amended accordingly

d) The Board approved the 2016 Business Plan for the 103 Mile Water Service


a) The Board received the results of Special Voting authorizing the submission of an NCLGA Resolution concerning CONSULTATION WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FOR INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS

b) The Board re-appointed Director Joan Sorley to the North Central Local Government Association Board of Directors'

c) The Board received a report of the Corporate Officer concerning notification of updates to the Species at Risk Public Registry and public consultation period, specifically for the Short-eared Owl

d) The Board received a letter from the District of Lillooet for a resolution and letter to Premier Clark calling for the reinstatement of passenger rail service from North Vancouver to Prince George and the Board agreed to provide a letter of support endorsing the call of the District of Lillooet for restoration of passenger rail service between PG to North Vancouver

e) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of March 24th

f) The Board received an item from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in regards to nomination to their Board of Directors'

g) The Board received two letters as follows:

1) Ministry of Transportation - Outhouse at Reservoir Lake
2) Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation - TNG Strategic Engagement Agreement

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

a) The Board received the March 8th minutes of the North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus meeting and endorsed the following recommendations:

1) City of Quesnel Rebranding Project
2) Rural Recreation Budget Expenditures
3) Hazardous Slide Area Designation
4) Tourism Marketing Grant Application for the Backroad to Barkerville
5) Quesnel CRD Meeting Room Office Furniture

b) The Board endorsed the following recommendation from the North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus meeting from January 2016:

That the letter from Mayor Bob Simpson, City of Quesnel, dated December 14, 2015, requesting the CRD to provide an annual contribution of 50% toward the cost of operating the Quesnel Regional Airport, be received. Further, that this request be referred to the April COW Meeting for consideration.

c) The Board received the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Minutes of its' March 8, 2016 meeting and endorsed the following recommendations:

1) North Cariboo Arena Project Construction Contract
2) Amendment to North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Financial Plan - Arena Replacement Project
3) Amendment to North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Financial Plan - Rural Recreation Commissions

d) The Board approved a Grant for Assistance for the 100 Mile Flying Club of $1,000 to be divided equally between Electoral Areas G, H and L

e) The Board agreed to waive Policy #02-11B-24 and the following recommendation from the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee be endorsed:

“That the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee approve the request from the Director of Emergency Services dated February 16, 2016 outlining a request for donation of surplus physical fitness equipment for use by the Quesnel Volunteer Fire Department.”

f) The Board received an invitation from the University of Northern British Columbia for Director Joan Sorley to attend a lunch reception with UNBC's President Dr. Daniel Weeks, on March 31, 2016 in Quesnel, authorized her to attend and that she be paid mileage to attend this luncheon

Corporate Bylaws:

a) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to the following Bylaws:

1) Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area J Economic Development Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5016, 2016 and Policy be waived to allow an increase to Area J Discretionary Fund to $10,000
2) Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area K Economic Development Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5017, 2016 and Policy be waived to allow an increase to Area K Discretionary Fund to $10,000

3) Cariboo Regional District Deka Lake Fire Protection Service Boundary Expansion Bylaw No. 5025, 2016

Resolved - That Staff bring forward an amendment to Bylaw #3855 (Area D Economic Development Service Establishment Bylaw) to amend Section 2 (Service Description) for consideration of the Board to be in-line with Section 2 (Service Description) of Bylaws 5016/5017 (Area J/K Economic Development)

b) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings/Adoption to the following Bylaws:

1) Cariboo Regional District Water Services Management Amendment Bylaw No. 5020, 2016
2) 103 Mile Water System Parcel Tax Bylaw No. 5021, 2016
3) Cariboo Regional District Water User Rates Bylaw No. 4995, 2016
4) Cariboo Regional District 108 Mile Water Service Amendment Bylaw No. 4977, 2015
5) 108 Mile Water Service Improvement Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 4978, 2015

Resolved - That the Cariboo Regional District/Community Development Institute Economic Diversification partnership proposal be received, Staff be authorized to submit grant applications and refer the item to the North, Central and South Rural Caucuses for consideration and finally that Area F Ec Dev requisition be raised by $5,000 and a 2016 Business Plan Goal be added in Area F Ec Dev and Area D Ec Dev requisition be raised by $10,000 and a 2016 Business Plan Goal be added in Area D Ec Dev

Resolved - That the following recommendation from the March 23rd CC Joint Committee Meeting be endorsed:

That the agenda item summary from Darron Campbell, Manager of Community Services, dated March 17, 2016, regarding the Sam Ketcham Pool Upgrade Project Monthly Status Report #9 for January 2016, Report #10 for February 2016 and an Updated Project Cost Estimate from Tango Management Group, be received. Further, that the project budget target be set at up to $13.1 million and that the Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services financial plan be amended accordingly.

6) The Board gave Cariboo Regional District 2016 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 5024, 2016 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings as amended and Adoption

Directors' Requests:

a) The Board received a report from Director Sorley regarding a recent meeting of the CCBAC Board

b) At the request of Director Forseth - the following item were referred to the April Committee of the Whole meeting - Posting of Alternate Directors names on the CRD Website

c) At the request of Director Coakley - the Board agreed to forward a letter to SD27 in regards to facilitating the use of the Bridge Lake Elementary School gymnasium and library, should Bridge Lake Elementary be closed by the SD27 Board.

d) At the request of Director Armstrong - the Board reviewed the matter of the Treaty Advisory Committee and that a letter be forwarded to the Minister of Aboriginal Reconciliation requesting him to attend an open TAC meeting in April to discuss treaty negotiations

At 3:09pm - The Board convened an In-Camera Meeting as per Sections 90(1a,e and i - appointments, land and communications to/from lawyer) of the Community Charter

At 3:56pm - The Board resumed its' public meeting

Directors' reported out on activities going on their Electoral Area or Municipality

The Board adjourned at 4:22pm

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