Sunday, March 6, 2016

Federal Court overturns Specific Claim decision for WL Indian Band

Update - You can read the Specific Claims Tribunal ruling of February 28th, 2014 here while you can read an updated Claim to the Tribunal of this past January here 

Original Post:

Back in February of 2014 - the Specific Claims Tribunal ruled that the Williams Lake Indian Band could get access to land which included Williams Creek, Scout Island, the Stampede Grounds, the downtown core of the city of Williams Lake, and a plateau north of the downtown core

The Specific Claims Tribunal was created in 2007 to look at specific land claims on a "final/binding" basis after lengthy negotiations between the Assembly of First Nations and Ottawa at the time

Now the Federal Court has thrown out the decision of the Tribunal on the basis "Williams Lake Indian Band received alternate reserve lands as a replacement for their village"

Read the article from the Williams Lake Tribune from April of 2014 here while read the Federal Court decision article from West Coast Native News here


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