Tuesday, March 29, 2016

North Cariboo Arena Replacement Project Construction Contract

Joint Release of the City of Quesnel/Cariboo Regional District:

Last Thursday, the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) endorsed a recent resolution from the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee (NCJPC) recommending that the CRD enter into a construction contract with Vic Van Isle Construction Ltd. in the amount of $17,981,044 million for the North Cariboo Arena Replacement Project (NCARP).

At the January 26, 2016 meeting of the NCJPC, the Committee supported the selection of Vic Van Isle Construction Ltd. (VVI) as the general contractor for the Arena Replacement Project and directed staff to work with the contractor, project manager, and the project design team to review and recommend further value engineering to reduce the overall project cost.

“We are pleased with the work that staff and Vic Van Isle accomplished over the past few weeks and are looking forward to moving ahead with this important project for the North Cariboo,” says NCJPC Committee Co-Chair and CRD Director Jerry Bruce. “Our recommendation of Vic Van Isle was based on their extensive experience with construction of similar facilities, their value engineering ideas and approach, and their focused and time sensitive construction schedule.”

The NCJPC also recommended that the NCARP financial plan be amended to include a project cost of $20.6 million.

We are excited to see this project move forward with a general contractor who is committed to using as many of our local trades as possible and who has a solid reputation for completing large-scale projects efficiently and on schedule,” says Quesnel Acting Mayor Scott Elliott.”

Through the value engineering process the total project cost has been confirmed at $20.6 million.  The total includes all costs for the project including soft costs, civil works, the contract with VVI and appropriate contingency funding.

Further information about the North Cariboo Arena Replacement Project is available on the CRD website at cariboord.ca or the City of Quesnel at quesnel.ca.

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