Thursday, March 3, 2016

Quesnel Council Highlights - March 1st mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Local Procurement

Council has asked the Policy and Bylaw Review Committee to move forward in developing a Local Procurement Policy that will look:  living wage; good and services; price premiums for local contractors; and ethical/sustainability policies.  The proposed Local Procurement Policy will come back to Council for consideration.

Shipping Containers and Accessory Buildings

With the previous bylaw for shipping containers and accessory buildings being defeated at the February 23, 2016 Regular Meeting of Council, Council has now asked the Policy and Bylaw Review Committee to move forward with developing proposed new bylaws regarding these issues taking into consideration the public input provided at the February 23, 2016 Public Hearing.

Request to Name the Fraser River Foot Bridge

Council has received a naming request to consider naming the Fraser River Foot Bridge after Quesnel’s long-time serving Councillor Peter Couldwell.  Council has asked staff to research naming/recognition opportunities and bring recommendation(s) back to Council for consideration.

Grant Applications Update

In total 15 grant applications were submitted to the Northern Development Initiative Trust Regional account, with additional applications submitted to NDIT’s Pine-Beetle Recovery funds in November, 2015 for 2016 projects. Overall, the City will be receiving 67% of grant funding from NDIT and other funders for projects worth $684,000 and the City having to contribute 33%. Total budgets for projects that received either partial or full funding are:
$80,000   - Repositioning Community Identity
$80,000   - Brand Implementation Project
$150,000 - Downtown Washroom
$70,000   - Soccer Facility Heating
$40,000   - Creating Residential Opportunities
$20,000   - Improving Accessibility Downtown
$5,500     - South Quesnel RV and Truck Stop
$80,000   - Façade Improvement Program
$49,000 - Economic Development Intern
$49,000 - Planning Intern
$10,500 - Grant Writing Support
$50,000 - Economic Development Capacity Building

Marketing Initiative Projects Budget

The City is currently undertaking two Marketing Initiatives:  Repositioning the Community Identity project and the Brand Implementation project.  The total budget for these two projects is $160,000.  The City was able to secure $5,712 from the Northern Development Initiative Trust Marketing Initiatives grant and $40,000 from the Pine-Beetle Recovery fund.  Additional funds have been secured from the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition, and the 2015 and 2016 City of Quesnel budgets. The remaining $34,288 will come from the now dissolved Quesnel Community Economic Development Corporation’s surplus.  
The Repositioning the Community Identity project will look at improving our community communication.  This project will create a stronger message and new visual identity for the City, representing who we are, and what we offer as a community in order to better attract residents, visitors, and new business to Quesnel.  This project will include broad community consultation and will provide us with designs guidelines for future marketing materials, signage, and more.
The Brand Implementation project will put the visual identity and messaging created in the Repositioning project into place, with the redesign of the City website and improvement of the City’s online presence.  The new website will be easier to navigate for current residents, and will provide more information for those considering Quesnel as a place to live, work, and play. 

Next Meetings

- 5:30 pm, Tuesday, March 8, 2016 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee
-  7:00 pm, Tuesday, March 15, 2016 – Regular Council Meeting

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