Tuesday, March 15, 2016

WL Council-in-Committee - March 15th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb (Chair), Councillors S. Nelson, J. Ryll, C. Smith, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Meeting Agenda adopted/Mins of the March 1st COW Meeting adopted


1) Todd Doherty - Member of Parliament for Cariboo-Prince George appeared before the Committee to give an update as to his recent activities

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked MP Doherty for his time/information

2) Larry Stranberg, Chair & John Dell, Vice Chair of the Central Cariboo Economic Development Corporation appeared before the Committee to give an update as to the Corporation's activities

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Mssrs Stranberg/Dell for their time/information


1) Request for Support from District of Lillooet re Passenger Rail Service Between North Vancouver & Prince George

The Committee reviewed the letter dated March 7th from the District of Lillooet. Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to Council:

That Council authorize a letter of support, as requested by the District of Lillooet

Resolved - That notice of a Special In-Camera meeting to be held immediately after adjournment of this meeting be waived as per Section 127(4) of the Community Charter

The Committee adjourned at 7:45pm and Williams Lake City Council then immediately convened a Special In-Camera Meeting

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