Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Highlights of the UBCM Executive Meeting - Apr 13-15

Courtesy of the Union of BC Municipalities:

Presidents Committee
The Committee received reports on member services and group benefits; financial statements; staffing and plans for the 2016 Community Excellence Awards. A preliminary report on the results of the 2016 Member Satisfaction survey was received and staff will be bringing forward recommendations for acting on member feedback regarding youth engagement and other UBCM activities.  The Committee proposed developing an investment strategy for UBCM following a delegation from investment policy advisors.
Final direction on the 2016 advocacy plan was considered as well as compensation and the FCM process of handling UBCM resolutions.  The Committee also recommended that the 2015 resolution B90 – Change in Position Title of the Electoral Area Director be referred back to the sponsor recognizing that there was a lack of consensus on this issue from directors at the Electoral Area Forum, and due to the fact that the sponsor has proposed a new resolution for 2016.
Community Economic Development Committee
As part of its provincial outreach efforts, the Committee met with three Cabinet ministers to discuss common policy areas: Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training, Hon. Shirley Bond; Minister of Technology and Citizens Services, Hon. Amrik Virk and Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Hon. Steve Thomson.
Committee members discussed next steps in regard to its forestry survey report: Forest Policy Decision-Making: The Case for Greater Community Consultation and Engagementincluding outreach to forest industry associations about the findings and potential Convention session on forestry matters.  Reports were received on the rural dividend; forest enhancement program and other forest stewardship initiatives. Discussed furthering the arts and culture mandate for the Committee, learning more about the streamlining initiative for natural resource permitting and received preliminary results from a joint survey on local economic development practices conducted by UBCM, Economic Development Association of BC and the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training.  A follow up meeting with Ministry staff will be held to determine how best to support the economic development needs of local governments.
Community Safety Committee 
The Community Safety Committee met with Minister of State for Emergency Preparedness, Naomi Yamamoto, and Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Mike Morris. Conversation topics with Minister Yamamoto included the Emergency Program Act Review, Emergency Social Services Program funding, and the Fire Services Act. In meeting with Minister Morris, Committee members discussed the Five Year Review of the RCMP Contract, the Province’s proposed 911 call answer levy on cellular devices, electronic ticketing, and DNA analysis services costs.
Members discussed the potential provincially led call answer levy on cellular devices, and considered referred Resolution B122, Payday Loan Regulations. Reports were received regarding policing activities; the Five Year Review of the RCMP contract; DNA analysis services costs in BC; federal Bill C-7, which provides the RCMP the right to collective bargaining; the Province’s recent resolution of a municipal budget dispute; the Emergency Program Act; liquor policy developments; the provincial Access to Justice Committee; and Syrian refugee resettlement.
Healthy Communities Committee
The Healthy Communities Committee met with Honourable Terry Lake, Minister of Health, to discuss the shortage of physicians in BC, mental health, and the change in duties and responsibilities for health care practitioners.
Committee members also discussed a proposal to sign a Memorandum of Agreement on a National Seniors Health Care Strategy; a request for an advocacy contribution from the BC Healthy Living Alliance; and an invitation to attend the Ministry of Health’s upcoming Rural and Remote Health Forum.
Information was received on the Emergency Medical Assistants Education Fund, the Healthy Families BC Communities Initiative, Physician’s Assistants, and the Gatekeeper Training program through the Canadian Mental Health Association.
Environment Committee
The Committee met with Honourable Mary Polak, Minister of Environment to discuss the provincial land-based spill response framework, the timelines behind the rollout of the climate leadership plan, and the status of the packaging and printed paper program.
Information was also received on BC’s Spill Preparedness and Response Regime, Transport Canada’s consultations on Spill Preparedness, Tsunami Debris Funding, Urban and Rural Deer, Climate Action, and the Water Sustainability Act and Regulations.
First Nations Relations Committee 
The First Nations Relations Committee met with Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation (MARR), John Rustad, to discuss current UBCM and MARR priorities. These included: the 2016 Provincial Community to Community Forum; PHSA ICS training; the National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls; the BC Treaty Process and Non-Treaty Agreements; the Reconciliation Dialogue Workshop Initiative; and UBCM First Nations Relations Survey results.
The Committee also met with Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Suzanne Anton. Discussion focused on local and provincial engagement on the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. UBCM Advocacy priorities were also discussed with both Ministers.
The Committee also discussed ongoing reconciliation activities, the 2016 Provincial Community to Community Forum, the 2016 First Nations Relations Survey, and a potential 2016 UBCM Convention pre-conference session topic.
Convention Committee
The Committee provided an update on Convention programming details, presented the 2016 budget and registration fees, and gave an overview of speaker gift and Partners’ Program selections. It was also noted that banquet entertainment will be provided by The Timebenders.

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