Monday, April 11, 2016

Illegal Dumping strikes again in Area D

After dealing with mattresses being illegally dumped in Commodore Heights in my Electoral Area back in November of 2015 - I was made aware this past Saturday of more illegal dumping in my Electoral Area, this time on Soda Creek Road, just up the "Six Mile Hill".  See pictures below:

I have requested Cariboo Regional District Staff to look into having this removed ASAP

Just a friendly reminder to PLEASE!! take your solid waste and refrigerators and other items to your local CRD Transfer Stations or other places that take in electronics, fridges, etc.  There are places that takes in this material for free or at minimum cost.  You can view tips to getting rid of your solid waste or appliances/electronics, etc here (Central Cariboo) or here (South Cariboo)

It DOES NOT belong on the sides of hills or in our forests...


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