Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Quesnel Council Highlights - April 19th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Northern Health Authority – G.R. Baker Memorial Hospital Proposed Project

Michael McMillan, Chief Operating Officer for the Northern Interior, and Debbie Strang, Health Service Administrator for Quesnel Health Services, highlighted for Council the proposed Emergency Room/Intensive Care Unit project has been submitted by the Northern Health Authority to the Provincial Government for consideration.  This proposed project would see the existing ER space renovated and expanded to include the ICU Unit.  This proposed project addresses the immediate needs of the health service challenges existing at GR Baker’s Emergency Room and does not take away from the possibility of a future new hospital in Quesnel.

2015 Financial Audit

The City’s 2015 Financial Reporting Statements received a clean audit, with no audit points raised, by KPMG Enterprise.

South Quesnel Parkland & Greenspace Enhancement

The current proposal for the South Hills Neighbourhood is to end up with two parks instead of one.  Pending public consultation, a public hearing and Council approval, this proposal will see the subdivision of land, located on Quesnel-Hydraulic Road, to create a 1.44 acre park and with the remaining 3.29 acres to be zoned as Country Residential 1 for future Low-Density Single Family Dwelling Residential development.  The 3.29 acres parcel will be exchanged for a 6.56 acre Dragon Lake waterfront/wetlands parcel, located on Red Wing Road/Quesnel-Hydraulic Road.  This waterfront/wetlands parcel will receive minimal development as this land is located in an ecological environmental sensitivity area.  An accessible wheelchair boardwalk would allow access to the Dragon Lake waterfront and may be developed.  A public consultation/open house is scheduled for 7 pm, April 27, 2016 at Dragon Lake Elementary School.  A Public Hearing is scheduled for 7 pm, May 10, 2016 at City Hall for the proposed OCP/Zone Amendment bylaws.

2016 Road Rehabilitation and Overlay Paving Project

Council approved the following projects to be included in the 2016 Road Rehabilitation and Overlay Paving Program:

-          $91,255 for Moffat Avenue from Johnson Circle to the land immediately west of Gardner Avenue

-          $289,610 for Britton Road

-          $148,690 for Johnson Bridge Loop from Front Street Loop to new asphalt immediately east of the train bridge

Phase II of West Quesnel Land Stability Project – Contract Awarded

Council awarded Phase II of the West Quesnel Stability Project to Kamloops-based Acres Enterprises Ltd. in the amount of $4,236,745 and a 12% contingency fund of $508,410.  Phase II is estimated to cost $7,275,155 with the Federal and Provincial governments and the City of Quesnel each contributing one-third.  The Phase II project includes:

-          Sanitary Sewer mainline repairs

-          Drilling vertical pump wells

-          Drilling horizontal gravity wells

-          Drilling additional monitor wells

-          Connecting pump wells and horizontal drains to the stormwater systems

-          Environmental costs

-          Project design engineering and management

-          15% contingency due to the nature of this project

In addition to Phase II of the West Quesnel Land Stability Project, the City has budgeted $1,200,000 for additional road works, sidewalks and curbing to allow for complete rebuilding of streets and sidewalks impacted by the Phase II stormwater project.

Chinese Martial Arts Performance in Quesnel

Council, in partnership with the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) and various communities located in the CRD, approved $2500 and staff time to host elite martial arts practitioners to deliver a cultural performance in Quesnel scheduled for July 30, 2016.  


-          1789 & 1790 – OCP/Zone Amendments – Single Family Dwelling on Reid Street – Final Adoption

-          1794 – Five Year Financial Plan – Final Adoption

-          1795 – Licensee Retail Stores – Second/Third

-          1798 & 1790 – South Quesnel Parkland/Greenspace Enhancement – First/Public Consultation/Public Hearing

-          1800 – Tax Rates (2016) – First/Second/Third

Next Regular Council Meetings

-          7 pm - April 26 and May 3, 2016

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