Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Quesnel Council Highlights - April 26th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Miss Quesnel Self Development Society

The following 2016 Miss Quesnel Royal candidates were formally recognized at a banner presentation ceremony:  Emma de Blois; Erica Vahaaho; Neha Clair; Amy Oester; Alexis Poulin; Harkirat Kaur; Hailey Nipshank;  and Kassidy Rutledge.

BC Transit Review 

Shilpa Panicker, Senior Transit Planner, and Chris Fudge, Senior Regional Transit Manager highlighted for Council four key areas of the upcoming BC Transit Review for the Quesnel and area’s transit system:

-    Complete a review of Route 2 (Red Bluff) and Route 4 (South Quesnel Express)

-    Examine impact of unmet HandyDART trips

-    Increased services for College/University campus

-    Recommendations for efficiency and effectiveness

BC Transit will commence the transit system review in May/June and will present their findings in the fall of 2016.

2016 Tax Rates

Council passed final adoption of the City of Quesnel Tax Rates Bylaw No. 1800 of 2016.  The average family home in Quesnel will see an increase of $45.29 to the municipal portion of their property tax bill.  Rates have been received from the Cariboo Regional District, BC Assessment Authority and Municipal Financial Authority.  School tax rates are still pending.

Political Campaign Sign Regulations

Council asked the Policy and Bylaw Review Committee to bring forward recommendation(s) for regulations around political campaign signs to be included in the City’s Sign bylaw to look at specific timeframes that aim to reduce pollution of the City’s viewscape; reduce vandalism to political campaign signs; and reduce landfill sign waste.

Required 2015 Statement of Financial Information

The 2015 Statement of Financial Information (“SOFI”) was approved by Council.  SOFI contains the following financial information:  Council and employee remuneration; Council benefits; Council expense allowances, all Council expenses; City Contracts with Council; list of suppliers receiving aggregate payments exceeding $25,000/fiscal year and severance payments.

Nazko First Nation – Community Transit

The Community Transit Partnership Agreement between the City and the Nazko First Nation was approved by Council whereby the City will supply transit services in accordance with the Nazko First Nation’s request of one day per month.  

Bylaw of the Month – Disabled/Accessible Parking

May 2016 will see City Bylaw Enforcement staff educating the general public about disabled parking stalls located on public property.  Disabled parking stalls are designed for individuals that have mobility issues, and who have a valid disabled parking permit, to gain access to buildings and services in the community.  This permit is displayed from the vehicle’s rear view mirror or dash, and must be visible from the street.  It is an infraction to park on the yellow lines of a disabled parking stall as this provides the space for disabled individuals to exit/enter their vehicle.  There is a $150.00 fine for parking in a disabled parking stall without a valid permit.  The City will provide information around this initiative through the City’s website, social media channels, email notices to stakeholders and Council’s media releases, such as Council Clippings. 

Proposed Municipal Regional District Tax

A strategic initiative of Council is to develop a Municipal Regional District Tax (“Hotel Tax”).  Council believes a Hotel Tax collected and administered locally will result in a more strategic approach when promoting tourism in Quesnel.  The funding collected locally will be spent to promote City of Quesnel events and initiatives resulting in more “heads in beds”.  The local hotels will have input into the marketing programs funded by the Hotel Tax.  Council passed the following resolution:

-    Council does not support the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (“CCCTA”) in their application to administer a Municipal Regional District Tax in Quesnel;

-    Council directs City staff to continue with Council’s strategic direction and work with local accommodators in developing a plan for implementing a Municipal Regional District Tax in Quesnel;

-    Council requests the CCCTA to stand down on their current efforts to administer a Municipal Regional District Tax in Quesnel.


-          1795 – Licensee Retail Stores – Final Adoption

-          1800 – 2016 Tax Rates – Final Adoption

Next Regular Council Meetings

-          7 pm - May 3rd and 10th, 2016

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