Tuesday, April 19, 2016

SILGA starts today!

From today to Friday is the annual meeting of the Southern Interior Local Government Association (SILGA) Convention being held in Kelowna from April 19-22

Today, delegates take in a pre-conference session on Tourism while tomorrow to Friday will see delegates take in learning sessions and hearing from many speakers' including UBCM President/Cariboo RD Chair Al Richmond and BC's Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Peter Fassbender

See full details here

The Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities or AVICC has already its' annual convention while future local government area association meetings include:

AKBLG - Association of Kootenay/Boundary Local Governments -- April 27th to 29th

NCLGA - North Central Local Government Association -- May 4th to 6th

LMLGA - Lower Mainland Local Government Association -- May 11th to 13th


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