Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Administrative savings redirected back to SD27

Courtesy of the BC Government:

The provincial government is redirecting $259,687 in administrative savings back to School District 27 to help it deal with local cost pressures and provide front-line services for students.
The school district can use this funding as it sees fit – such as ongoing classroom programs, hiring new teachers, or for busing.
“School District 27 has worked very hard to find administrative cost savings and now we can put those savings into services for students,” Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett said. “We have made a commitment to ensure that services and amenities for students receive the bulk of B.C.’s education funding.”
The funding to School District 27 is part of a $25-million provincewide initiative that sees all districts receiving funds from administrative savings. 
Districts made real efforts to reduce spending on their administration costs – and those efforts have made it possible to help flow those resources into classrooms and services for students. The amount of money being left with districts is equal to the Year 2 of administrative savings districts were asked to find.
School districts, including SD 27, have been informed that they will not have to pay their share of $25 million worth of provincial charges this year, and instead can redirect that money into frontline services for students.

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