Wednesday, May 25, 2016

CC Rural Caucus - May 25th mtg

Present: Chair S. Forseth; Directors B. Kemp, J. Sorley and B. Anderson

Meeting called to order at 3:15pm

The Chair acknowledged that the meeting was being held on traditional Northern Shuswap territory

Meeting Agenda approved with additions to the Agenda pertaining to Regional Prosperity/Community Ec Dev Initiative and Rural Non-Profits/requirements of the new Societies Act

Mins of the March 23rd CC Rural Caucus meeting adopted


Sarah Jackman, Executive Director of the Punky Lake Wilderness Camp Society (PLWCS), appeared before the Committee to discuss the PLWCS and the First Nations Court Initiative

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Ms. Jackman for her time/information

Director B. Anderson declared a perceived conflict of interest on the next item and left the meeting at 3:35pm


1) City of WL - Stampede Entry Structure

The Chair reported on this item to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved by Consensus - That the letter from Mayor Walt Cobb, City of Williams Lake, dated May 19, 2016, requesting financial participation in a project to construct a log entryway to the Williams Lake Stampede grounds, be received and that $3,000 from the Electoral Area 'D' Economic Development Function and up to $3,000 from the Electoral Area 'F' Economic Development Function be approved for this purpose and the funds be forwarded to the City of Williams Lake and the City be requested to appropriately recognize the Cariboo Regional District's financial participation in the project and that a letter be forwarded to the City of Williams Lake advising of same

Director Anderson returned to the meeting at 3:52pm

2) Late Item - Letter from MOTI re: Speed Signs on West Coast and Mountain House Roads

The Committee discussed the letter from Todd Hubner, District Manager (Cariboo), Ministry of Transportation

Resolved by Consensus - That the letter from Todd Hubner, District Manager, Ministry of Transportation Cariboo District, dated May 21, 2016, replying to the Cariboo Regional District's concerns regarding speed limit signs on the Westcoast Road and Mountain House Road, be received and a letter be forwarded to the RCMP asking for more enforcement in rural speed zones

3) Renewal of Central Cariboo Victim Services Contribution Agreement with the City of Williams Lake

The Committee held a general discussion on this topic

Resolution by Consensus - That the Victim Services Agreement be amended to strengthen reporting requirements between CRD/City of WL and bring back the amended agreement for review at a future Rural Caucus meeting

4) Appointment of Representative to UNBC Central/South Advisory Committee

Director Sorley reported on this item to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved by Consensus - That Director J. Sorley be appointed to the UNBC Central/South Advisory Committee

5) Community Economic Development

General discussion ensued by Committee members

No Resolution Resulted

6) Rural Non-Profit Societies/Requirements of the new Society Act

The Chair reviewed this matter with the Committee

No Resolution Resulted

7) Action Page

Resolved by Consensus - Action Page as of May 25th be received and Items 1-3 be removed

Meeting adjourned at 4:30pm

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